Annual Thursday Night Live raises over $5,000 for kids with cancer

About $5,000 was raised for charity last week after students filled Aalfs Auditorium to attend the 19th annual Thursday Night Live comedy show. The show is a knock off of “Saturday Night Live” that raises money for children with cancer. Pi Kappa Alpha also sponsors a room at Sanford’s Children’s Hospital in Sioux falls. Nathan […]

2 mins read

Annual drag show attracts animated crowd

Music, applause and dirty jokes were at the forefront of a USD drag show. Hosted by Spectrum: Gender and Sexuality Alliance, the show started shortly after 7 p.m. Thursday evening in the Al Neuharth Media Center. Spectrum President Daniel Keller said this year’s theme was “Throwback Thursday.” “It’s supposed to be vintage from early 2000s […]

1 min read

Sexual assualt case referred to State’s Attorney’s office

The case regarding a sexual assualt that took place in Coyote Village on Sept. 27 has been referred to the South Dakota State’s Attorney’s office. Matt Betzen, Vermillion Police Department Chief, said the initial investigation has been completed and VPD believes two of the three men whose photos were released by USD officials were present during […]

1 min read

Extensive cooperation between USD officials required to make Saturday game possible

At 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, 10,000 people will turn their attention to the efforts of two football teams as they struggle for dominance for four quarters. If all goes as planned, the game will run smoothly, people will enjoy themselves and then they’ll go home. What many of these fans might not see are the […]

5 mins read

Cancer prevention research should be ‘taken with a grain of salt’

Throughout history, anxiety and paranoia have driven our society. From the Salem Witch Trials to the Red Scare, people cling themselves to a potential threat and escalate it into extreme proportions. In today’s world, an obvious example of this paranoia is the prevention of diseases, especially cancer. It seems new information surfaces every day depicting […]

3 mins read