Steinlicht: Students should embrace challenges, make most of time on campus
To my fellow ‘Yotes,
Welcome to the Pack! I’m looking forward to seeing you all on campus in a few weeks and starting the new year here at USD. I’m not exaggerating when I say I’m 100 percent sure it’s going to be a great one. The reason why I’m so sure? It’s because we are all Coyotes and we don’t give anything less than 100 percent. It’s called the Coyote Mentality. When things get tough, whether in or outside the classroom, we don’t go running with our tails between our legs like a bunch of scared Jackrabbits. We keep moving forward and are rewarded for our efforts.
That’s what USD does for you. We challenge you to be the best that you can be. However, we don’t just leave you to go it alone. From the professors to President Abbott, everyone here at USD cares about you and wants you to succeed and be the best possible version of yourself. If you fall, you’ve got the best group of supporters around to help you get back up again. That kind of unconditional support is hard to find, but at USD it’s a given.
Opportunities abound here at USD just waiting to be seized, so get out and take risks. Whether it’s helping a professor with their research, studying abroad, or participating in one of USD’s many student organizations, I promise there is something for you here. If you don’t believe me, ask any USD student. I guarantee that they will be able to tell you about an opportunity they seized here at USD and how it helped them grow as a person.
They will also tell you that they didn’t get that opportunity without asking first. Don’t be afraid to ask questions when talking with your professors, advisors, or even your fellow ‘Yotes. Part of college is asking questions and finding answers so embrace college. If you’re told no, than you are better off than if you had not tried. You can’t move forward if you are afraid of failure, so embrace your inner Coyote and move forward towards success.
As your president, I’m your number one fan and I’m rooting for you all. I know that you all are awesome and will grow to be the best you can be. You’ve chosen a great school and it will be your home for the next four years. Make the most of your time here at USD and on behalf of all the USD faculty, staff, and students, I’d like to be the first to say, “Welcome kome.”
Go Yotes!
Nathaniel Steinlicht
SGA President