Observations of a white, middle class woman in a changing world
With growing tension in politics on social issues such as racism and gender equality, I thought it necessary to explain, as a millennial, a white person and a woman, what exactly it’s like to view our world and where I see us headed, because it isn’t good. Let’s start with the important topic of racism. […]
SGA election committee hoping for more student voters
While SGA presidential candidates and senators are gearing up for elections on March 2 and 3, the SGA Election Steering Committee is preparing as well. The Election Steering Committee is in charge of the election and voting process – which includes getting students to vote. In 2013, a total of 2,000 students voted in the […]
Editorial: Volunteering changes lives, creates a healthy community
Volunteering for the good of society by helping out in shelters or spending time with children or the elderly is one of the best ways to connect with the community and to encourage others to learn and thrive simply by being there for people in need. A great way for students to be in touch with […]
We should not feel threatened by North Korea’s recent actions
With all of the mayhem and anxiety surrounding the actions of Middle Eastern threats and terrorism, some people believe we may be ignoring a possibly even greater threat: North Korea. However, North Korea, no matter how intimidating it seems, doesn’t have the capacity to hinder the United States directly. With the release of recent information, such […]
Annual showcase features three singing groups
Aalfs Auditorium was filled with the sound of music Sunday during the music department’s annual Spring Choral Showcase. The showcase included three groups: the Men and Women’s Chorus, the Concert Choir and the Chamber Singers. David Holdhusen, director of the Chambers Singers and head of the choral department, said two of the three choirs are auditioned […]
BLOG: Use common sense, don’t take children to ‘Deadpool’
A few weekends ago, I went to the highly-anticipated movie “Deadpool.” The movie was everything I had been looking forward to: violent, crude and all around hilarious. However, what I wasn’t looking forward to was the hundreds of Facebook posts from parents complaining because they had to take their child out of the movie nine minutes in […]
Head-to-head: More attention should be given to domestic terrorism
Right-wing, domestic terrorists are a more pertinent, everyday threat to the United States than international Islamic terrorists. Examples of right-wing, domestic terrorists are groups like militias, sovereign citizens or neo-Nazi’s who are anti-government. It’s important to clarify that this doesn’t encompass all right-wing individuals, simply those who draw out right-wing ideologies to their furthest extremes and […]
Head-to-head: International terrorism more serious than domestic threats
According to a recent report from the Southern Poverty Law Center, the number of hate groups operating in the U.S. grew 14 percent from 2014, an unprecedented amount. It’s also worth noting that anti-government “patriot” groups — armed militias animated by conspiracy theories — grew by the same amount. With all of the domestic problems […]
USD awaiting approval to offer in-state tuition to future Iowa students
Iowa residents who choose to attend USD could see a decrease in tuition prices if a new agreement between USD and Iowa is approved by South Dakota higher education officials. USD is awaiting approval from the South Dakota Board of Regents (SDBOR) to offer in-state tuition to all incoming Iowa students beginning next fall. The […]
Local rummage pages make buying, selling simple
College students and community members looking to get cash for cars Albion Park or snag a good deal have come together to make two Vermillion rummage pages on Facebook. They are closed groups, but after joining, members are able to buy, sell, trade or advertise their products. Items posted recently range from crafts and formal […]