Editorial: Dakotathon brings USD students together

This year’s Dakotathon not only raised $145,422, surpassing its original goal of $115,000, but it also achieved something it does every year — it brought USD students together. This semester, The Volante has received several letters to the editor that discuss the importance of bringing student groups together and bridging the “great divide” between students. Dakotathon […]

2 mins read

Recent bill brings Internet privacy to forefront

A bill recently signed into law by President Trump allows Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to sell customers’ browsing data to advertisers. According to the New York Times, Verizon, Comcast and AT&T can continue tracking and sharing people’s browsing and app activity without permission. There’s been some pushback since the bill was announced, but QuocNam Tran, chair of […]

5 mins read

Adopt-A-Grandparent a chance for students to gain volunteer experience, friendships

Through volunteering, some USD students have gained grandparents away from home. SERVE’s Adopt-a-Grandparent program requires students to visit with their assigned “grandparent” once a week at the Sanford Care Center to socialize and create longtime friendships. Kayla Mitzell and Gladys Rasmussen Sophomore Kayla Mitzell has been involved with Adopt-A-Grandparent since she was a first-year, and […]

8 mins read