Get to know the top 14 Dakota Days royalty candidates
Blake Warner is a senior psychology and communication studies double major from Windom, MN whose nomination is sponsored by Speech and Debate.
“My favorite part about USD is that it offers so many chances to be involved,” Warner said. “There’s always something going on, whether it be a sporting event, concert or chance to volunteer — there’s never a dull moment.”
Alicia Khatt is a senior health science major from Worthington, MN whose nomination is sponsored by SERVE.
“I think D-Days is just the happiest week,” Khatt said. “Everyone gets super excited and that just makes me happy. Even though we do have schoolwork, we kind of put that to the side and make memories with our friends.”
Daniel Howe is a senior business administration major from Elk Point, SD whose nomination is sponsored by Sorority and Fraternity Life Ambassadors.
“It was a nice surprise when I found out I was chosen for royalty,” Howe said. “When I was a freshman, I would have never thought it would happen.”
Shaniah Koops is a senior communication studies major from Sioux Falls, SD whose nomination is sponsored by Student Ambassadors.
“I love that here at USD, you really do get the best of both worlds, regarding a smaller school and a very large university,” Koops said. “You get the small community feel where you will always see someone you know when walking to class or having lunch, but there are also so many opportunities for internships, research, student organizations.”
Conrad Adam is a senior finance major and accounting minor from Pierre, SD whose nomination is sponsored by Coyote Capital Management.
“Attending USD has been a family tradition for generations,” Adam said. “My great grandfather, George T. Mickelson, attended the USD School of Law in the 1920s and now I am part of the fourth generation to attend this wonderful university. The tremendous reputation of the Beacom School of Business heavily influenced my post-secondary institution choice as well.”
Keri Kamphoff is a senior health science major from Sheldon, IA whose nomination is sponsored by Colleges Against Cancer.
“USD provides so many ways for students to get involved and connect with other people,” Kamphoff said. “In addition, everyone here is so friendly, passionate about their area of study and the causes they support and prideful in their school.”
Tyler Sobczak is a senior history and communication studies double major from Rapid City, SD whose nomination is sponsored by RC Helicopter and Drone Club.
“My favorite part about Dakota Days is the unity that is directly associated with the holiday,” Sobczack said. “No matter what differences divide our student population, during Dakota Days we are all just Coyotes celebrating our school.”
Maggie Squyer is a senior sustainability major from Sioux Falls, SD whose nomination is sponsored by Alpha Phi.
“I love Dakota Days because for one week out of the year, everyone on campus is truly proud to be a Coyote,” Squyer said. “I love the energy and excitement our university displays.”
Caleb Rector is a senior kinesiology major from Sioux Falls, SD whose nomination is sponsored by Delta Tau Delta.
“The friendships that I’ve made through Greek and Fraternity Life, it’s been fantastic for me,” Rector said. “But also the professors I’ve learned from and worked with, it’s also been really nice to do that.”
Teagan McNary is a senior political science and criminal justice double major from Vermillion, SD whose nomination is sponsored by Student Government Association.
“The people are my favorite part about USD,” McNary said. “It’s a great atmosphere here. The students are energetic and passionate about what they do, the faculty are really passionate about what they do.”
Jackson Shriver is a senior medical biology and psychology double major from Watertown, SD whose nomination is sponsored by Dakotathon.
“My immediate reaction to being chosen for royalty was gratitude as I could not be more happy to represent the USD community,” Shriver said. “In my time at USD I have been a part of so many incredible experiences and have met so many incredible people, so being chosen by my peers to represent USD is a great honor.”
Emma Kays is a senior kinesiology and exercise science major from Watertown, SD whose nomination is sponsored by Pre-Physical Therapy club.
“It’s hard to pinpoint my favorite thing about USD,” Kays said. “What’s not to love about USD? I love the people I’ve met, my professors and the beautiful campus.”
Rush Milne is a senior strategic communications major from Madison, SD whose nomination is sponsored by Student Ambassadors.
“I think everything in Vermillion is just better on D-Days,” Milne said. “I don’t know what it is. It’s just the atmosphere, the environment is so much fun. I love how everything is red. I think it’s cool how everyone comes together.”
Meghan Kunkel is a senior strategic communications major from Sioux Falls, SD whose nomination is sponsored by Sorority and Fraternity Life Ambassadors.
“It’s so great to see everyone coming together to cheer on their school,” Kunkel said. “I think Dakota Days really makes everyone fall in love with USD more just because you can bond with others about how amazing this school really is.”
Photos by Molly Schiermeyer.