People of the Pack: Hannah Bullerman
Hannah Bullerman is a first-year business major from Adrian, MN.
Sara Cappiello: What are you involved in on campus?
Hannah Bullerman: Not a lot. I do intramural basketball and volleyball.
SC: Why did you choose those activities in particular?
HB: I played basketball and volleyball in high school. It was fun for what I got to play since I was in a boot for a while so I didn’t get to play much. But you get to meet new people doing it.
SC: How has your first semester at USD been so far?
HB: It’s been all right. I don’t know if I like the whole college thing.
SC: What has been hard about it?
HB: I think adapting to not being home and the course loads are way harder than high school. I’m an hour and a half from home.
SC: Has anything been easy about the transition to college?
HB: I’ve actually made a lot of friends. I didn’t think that would be easy but it was.
SC: Why did you choose USD?
HB: I wanted to go into business and they have a really good business program. I eventually want to go back to my family farm and help out there.
SC: What goals do you have for this semester or what else are you looking forward to?
HB: My only goal is to make it to Christmas break and pass finals. I also want to enjoy myself and have fun.
SC: With Halloween coming up next week, do you have any plans?
HB: Me and a bunch of my friends are going to dress up and go out. I don’t know what we’re going as yet, but it’ll be fun.