SGA discusses large organization petitions, tables SB 01
The Student Government Association deliberated the approval of large organization status for eight student groups at Tuesday’s meeting. SGA also discussed changes to Senate Bill 1, a bill to establish Campus Leaders Mixers in SGA governing documents.
The eight student organizations petitioning for large organization status included the African Student Association, the Asian American Student Association, the Campus Activities Board, Dakota Days, Dakotathon, International Club, SPECTRUM and the Tiospaye Student Council.
Large student organizations may request more than 3% of SGA’s total General Activity Fund allocation, whereas small student organizations must request less than 3% of the GAF allocation. Currently, SGA has $220,000 to allocate to large student organizations.
Five of these organizations — the ASA, CAB, Dakota Days, International Club and the Tiospaye Student Council — all received large organization status. All five of these organizations have held large organization status in the past. Hearings for the allocation of money to these groups will take place Friday.
Dakotathon, which previously held large organization status, was denied the status for the coming semester, as were AASA and SPECTRUM, which haven’t held large organization status in past years. SPECTRUM currently has the largest budget of all small student organizations, senator Jacob Holmberg, former SPECTRUM president, said.
Senate Bill 1, a bill to establish CLMs in SGA’s governing documents, was tabled after a discussion of an amendment which would change the requirements of the bill. The original bill establishes CLMs as monthly events which leaders of student organizations are required to attend. The amendment would adopt a broader term for events like CLMs in “organizational development workshops,” and would remove the monthly requirement of CLMs and leave hosting times to the discretion of the Director of Communications.
“This gives the Director of Communications a little bit of leeway along with the Student Affairs committee to make the decision upon their own judgment, (such as) if they want to have it three times a semester instead of every month,” senator Alexandra Feiner said.
Bill Sponsor Holmberg took issue with the updated bill, saying the new language was inconsistent with SGA’s fiscal guidelines, as well as with the original title of the bill.
“I still support this bill, but in addition to what has already been changed, the title of the bill is no longer consistent to what the bill actually says,” Holmberg said, motioning to table the bill soon after.
Senate Bill 1 is expected to be voted upon next week.