Summit League Delays Start of Fall Sports Competition, Moves to Conference Only
The Summit League Presidents Council announced on Tuesday afternoon that the League’s Joint Council supported a delay to the beginning of the fall athletic competition until Sept. 23. The Summit League will also compete in conference-only matches for soccer and volleyball
Fall competitive schedules for men’s and women’s cross country, men’s and women’s golf and women’s tennis will also be delayed until Sept. 23, as will the non-championship fall season for softball.
“Training and practices may continue to be conducted at the discretion of each institution in accordance with NCAA regulations and local health and safety guidelines,” according to the Summit League in a press release on Thursday.
At this time, winter and spring sports are not impacted. Summit championship models for fall sports as previously announced are also not impacted.
“The President’s Council acknowledges the need to be flexible in this ever-changing environment and will continue to monitor national developments related to the pandemic and its impact on the League,” according to the Summit League.
The South Dakota football team is an affiliate member of the Missouri Valley Football Conference which is still in the process of making a decision on sports for the upcoming season.
“… patience is warranted regarding any decision to modify the 2020 Fall season, seeing merit in delaying as long as there remains a possibility to provide a safe competitive opportunity for MVFC student-athletes,” the MVFC president said.