SGA funds College Democrats, Orthopedic Interest Group
In the USD Student Government Association’s last meeting of the semester, the organization passed special appropriations bills for the College Democrats and Orthopedic Special Interest Group.
Aaron Mallinger, SGA Director of Finance, reported SGA has only used 12% of their total budget so far this year and attributes that low number to operations changes around COVID-19.
“You can’t really blame orgs for not spending, you can’t blame us for not spending,” Mallinger said. “It’s just because we can’t.”
Katie Brust, SGA Director of Communications, presented an upcoming rebrand of SGA’s colors, documents, and legislation, as well as their online presence. The rebrand brings SGA into alignment with university standards. SGA President Abuk Jiel said she is on board with the rebrand.
“Every time we get a new exec board … SGA and the vibe of SGA changes quite dramatically,” Jiel said. “And just being able to hold that consistency makes us look better.”
Senator Addison Miller reported he was voluntarily tested for COVID-19 and said the last push for voluntary testing has been very effective, as there was a line of cars waiting to get tested around the block.
“To see that many people getting tested now is really nice,” Miller said. “I was pretty proud of our students.”
Senator Armand Khan reported on last week’s meeting of the Athletic Board of Control. Khan said Coach Wagner of the USD softball team said it was hard on his team for their season to be canceled last semester and to be pushed back this semester.
Khan also said the push to register student-athletes to vote on campus resulted in a 92% registration rate.
Senate Bill 65 and Senate Bill 66, special appropriations bills for the College Democrats and the Orthopedic Interest Group, respectively, passed unanimously without further discussion.
President Jiel thanked the members of SGA for their work this semester, through the challenges of COVID-19 and SGA’s use of remote meetings.
“I know this semester has not been what we expected it to be at all,” Jiel said. “Just know that your voice in senate has made an impact on campus.”