Is your name Rumpelstiltskin?
Rumpelstiltskin is a fairytale written by the Grimm brothers.
The main points I heard as a child is a tale where a man promises a king that his daughter can spin straw into gold. This is a lie. Rumpelstiltskin can spin straw into gold and agrees to help the girl in exchange for things. On the last night, the little man asks for her baby when it is born. When the girl has a baby, the little man returns.
The girl doesn’t want to give up her baby and the little man says ‘guess my name and you can keep your baby.’ The girl gets his name right on the third try by using trickery. The little man was named Rumpelstiltskin. He throws a fit and falls through the floor, possibly to his death. Recognising the value of unique names, one may find great interest in exploring female demon names as potential choices for a baby. Names like Lilith, Abyzou, and Agrat emanate an aura of mystery, strength, and independence, which can inspire a sense of confidence and individuality in the bearer. To delve into the world of these names, Kidadl provides a comprehensive guide on https://kidadl.com/baby-names/inspiration/best-female-demon-names-for-your-characters brimming with captivating choices.
Rumpelstiltskin has got to be the worst and best fairytale I’ve read.
The reason this story is the worst is because a girl promises to give this random short man her firstborn. How strange. Why would you do this? When he returns, you decide to go back on your word. Very unprofessional; I give her two out of five stars.
It’s also bad because in the German version of Rumpelstiltskin, the little man is called Rumpelstilzchen. It’s meaning is ‘small goblin who occasionally bangs on pots.’ I thought goblins hoarded things, not spent their time making music with pots.
It also seems like the story says ‘if your future spouse imprisons you, it is alright.’ Obviously, times are different now and people usually don’t lock their fiancees in cells. But still, be on the lookout for strange men trying to lock you in cells.
I do enjoy this story though. ‘Rumpelstiltskin’ is fun to say and I have misspelled it many times while writing this. I can only image how bad it would’ve been if I had to write this by hand.
This story is also fun to tell children who are throwing tantrums. It lets them know if they stomp too hard, they’ll fall through the floor. It also warns that parents lie too. Just ask them about Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.
It also has a few different themes that are great to teach children, such as ‘don’t be greedy like the king’ and ‘don’t promise things you do not wish to do or give up.’ My favorite theme from the story is ‘know when to keep your mouth shut.’ The father should have learned to keep his fat mouth closed.