Bring back reading for pleasure
2 mins read

Bring back reading for pleasure

Reading hasn’t been “trendy” between high school and college-age students for many years, but it is time for a change in mindset. The benefits outweigh any arising cons when considering taking reading as a hobby.

Higher levels of creativity and imagination, stronger vocabulary usage, wider ranges of perspectives, enriched understanding of history and experiences, and stress relief are all results of taking up the act of reading for pleasure.

Feeling sad? Read a book. Feeling lost? Read a book. Feeling happy? Read a book.

When thinking of all the of literary works in this world, the knowledge filling the pages is endless. Everyone should be exposed to the type of experiences reading can lead to. The reader can connect strongly with one of the characters and end up feeling empathetic toward the situation and world they are living in. The reader can become enriched with new ideas or concepts they may have never realized existed.

Lots of students will be assigned books they have to read for class, which leads to the experience more than likely being pretty unenjoyable. The joy in reading for pleasure is that the consumer gets to choose any eye-catching genre rather than being forced into an unpleasant read.

Lack of concentration is a contributing factor in why people claim they don’t read for pleasure. Sitting in a quiet place and removing external distractions—like cell phones or televisions—can aid in focus.

Sharpening and enhancing academic strengths is another benefit of reading for pleasure. Struggling with recollection is a major factor in the downfall of tests, but reading is an easy and effective way to strengthen those skills.

Getting into reading can be difficult, especially when there are many other extra-curricular options to fill the day with. Establishing a book club on campus or within a group of friends can provide a push down the path of reading for enjoyment.

There comes a time when all the entertainment on Netflix, Hulu, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok are just not fulfilling anymore, which is a great opportunity to dive into the world of reading.