USD Choirs Return to Pre-Pandemic Numbers

Three groups burst with music each time they hit the stage, but in recent years fewer faces have graced the stage than choir director David Holdhusen is accustomed to. This year however, being the first full year not plagued by pandemic precautions, Holdhusen believes his three groups are finally reaching the number of participants he […]

3 mins read

Study Abroad Opportunities Give New Perspective

USD’s study abroad program states that with studying abroad students will widen their world perspectives and help distinguish them from other students, according to the USD website.  Jessica Winterringer, the study abroad advisor, highly encourages students to take advantage of this opportunity while they have the chance, especially those who are wanting to grow their […]

3 mins read

President Hosts Annual All-Campus Picnic

President Sheila Gestring and her husband Keith Gestring held their annual all-campus picnic on Sept. 15. It was originally going to be held on the MUC’s west lawn but due to weather conditions the event was moved inside.  The event kicked off with The SOUND of USD performing alongside the spirit squad in front of […]

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