Coyote Twin Shows Elf for the Holidays
The Coyote Twin kicked off their holiday season with a free showing of the film “Elf” on Dec. 4, sponsored by the Vermillion Area Chamber and Development Company.
Shannon Cole, the manager of the Coyote Twin, said the community feels lucky they have a theater that can do showings like this.
“We have the flexibility in order to do free community showings like this,” Cole said. “We are not a corporate entity, so we have a lot more flexibility.”
The theater shows free movies around the holidays, especially around Christmas. These showings tend to have a higher attendance rate, and “Elf” is always one of the higher draws.
“It seems like (“Elf”) is the one that draws the most people in,” Cole said. “It is also the 20-year anniversary of “Elf”, so that’s a fun detail.”
In the past, they have shown other classic films such as “Jaws”, “The Goonies” and in the Christmas spirit, “It’s a Wonderful Life,” which had been sponsored for many years.
Cole said there isn’t any specific group that sponsors the events but it is open to whoever wants to help entertain the community.
“It’s kind of whoever wants to put money towards entertaining the community,” Cole said.
This event is free to all members of the community. According to Cole, it would help remind people that the Standstill Parade of Lights is on Dec. 7.
“I’m trying to get people to sponsor more. I’ve got a couple of ads out there,” Cole said. “(The studios) tend to discount Christmas movies licenses, so it’s like a hundred bucks to pay for a license and make everyone happy to come see a free movie.”
While Cole does not have exact dates, she said that the free showings have taken place since 2016, when the Vermillion Cultural Association took over the Coyote Twin Theater.
“Whenever we have a free showing it’s because someone has paid for the cost of the license to show the movie,” Cole said.
Cole considers the theater as a cornerstone business that, along with other businesses, tries to create community in Vermillion.
“We try to have lots of events, and we’re always trying to do special things,” Cole said. “We’re trying to create those reasons for people to come downtown.”
Photo Credit: The Volante | Tavin Carncross