Head-to-head: Why I chose sweats
The new wave of freshmen coming to USD this fall will bring varied clothing styles with them.
I’m a stickler for wearing whatever’s comfortable, and I don’t much care for fancy clothes. For me, a pair of jeans and T-shirts of various cultural references and bands are all I need.
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There are a multitude of reasons why you shouldn’t dress up all fancy-like just for college.
Clothing is a way to express yourself, but how can you express yourself wearing khakis or a plain T-shirt?
Having T-shirts of your favorite TV shows, movies, sports teams or bands can let people know who you are. This includes an added bonus of people knowing you before they talk to you.
If they see you wearing something they don’t like, they’ll probably leave you alone. If you want to have a quick conversation-starter, mention the logo on the T-shirt.
If you were to see someone wearing a button-up plaid shirt, how would you start a conversation with them? “Hey you wear plaid? I like plaid, too!”
Fancy clothes also cost much more. Why waste money on expensive clothes to hang out in your dorm and go to class?
You need the money for extra ramen noodles and popcorn. More money means more beer.
Who are you trying to impress, anyway? Your professors? They care more about what you know and what you bring to the table than what you wear. They want you to get good grades and work hard.
Now, I’m not saying wear clothes that show your butt crack, but you don’t need to spend over $100 on an outfit that will be out of style tomorrow, when you can buy the cheap jeans that will last forever.
Bottom-line: Do you care what other people think of you? You don’t need to impress anyone. Save that money for fun times and better food.