Time management doesn’t suit everyone
Time helps structure our lives and plan the tasks for our day in order to stay organized. From a young age, students are taught to not procrastinate; instead, teachers preach to use time wisely. However, this tactic of time management is not a suitable lifestyle for everyone.
Thinking about time management can lead to more stress, less productivity and an increasing amount of anxiety for some people. These types of people may be better suited working under pressure, or in a more last-minute situation. The pressure may also lead to a faster time in completing the task that needs to be done.
Although in some instances, such as big projects or lengthy papers, it is best to get a head start on your work, sometimes waiting until the last minute can have its benefits.
Some students work best under pressure with limited time left to get their work done. The pressure of meeting the deadline can provide the student with the motivation needed to get the assignment done.
Not only do some students prefer to wait until the last minute to get their work done, but they can even thrive and do their best work under that type of pressure.
Working well under pressure is a beneficial trait to have. Working under pressure can also lead to a more positive response to stress and better adaptivity skills. Being able to adapt to changes can be a skill one can take with them in any part of their life, whether that be professional or personal.
Another benefit of working well under pressure is the connection it has to higher creativity skills. You can analyze the work that needs to get done, and figure out the most effective way to complete it.
This article is not trying to prove that waiting until the last minute is better than getting ahead on work, but in some instances, it can be beneficial. When done right, time management can help lower stress, but for those who do not have those types of skills, they can thrive under the pressure of waiting until the last allowable moments to complete their tasks.