SGA Approves Three Senate Bills and Three Senate Resolutions for Further Review, Including One Emergency Clause

On Oct. 17, SGA held their ninth meeting of the year. During the meeting SGA members heard from USD’s Coordinator of Student-Athlete Mental Health Tanner Peterson, unanimously passed 3 senate bills (SB) and 3 senate resolutions (SR) for further review, including the emergency clause for an unanimous approval of one resolution. Peterson gave SGA members […]

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Student Athlete Mental Health Awareness Week

Sept. 30 through Oct.7 is nationally recognized as National Student Athlete Mental Health Week.  By acknowledging the challenges student athletes face in juggling academics and athletics, we aim to foster mental toughness while also promoting a culture where seeking support is seen as a strength. Tanner Peterson, USD’s coordinator of student athlete mental health, said […]

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New Coordinator of Student-Athlete Mental Health Looks to Fight the Stigma

In a survey conducted by the NCAA in March of this year, it was reported that only 66% of student-athletes know where to go on campus if they have mental health concerns. A mere 47% reported that they would feel comfortable seeking support from a mental health provider on campus. Tanner Peterson, coordinator of student-athlete […]

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