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BLOG: A soda fountain of fun

On Thursday, I discovered a mystery cup in my kitchen. Under most circumstances I would advise one to throw mystery cups straight into the trash, but since neither my roommate nor me have friends come over – or have friends in general — I decided to investigate it.

When I deemed the drink inside this mystery cup safe, I drank it and found that it was deliciously flavored soda that I had not yet encountered before in my 20 years of life. I was bewildered, so I asked my roommate where it had come from and thus, discovered the best thing to come to Vermillion (since I arrived, of course.)

In addition to all of the excitement of Ace moving into the old Jones’ building, Mr. Smith’s has obtained one of the greatest inventions known to soda-lovers. It probably has a name, but I don’t know it, and regardless of what it’s called, it’s glorious. It’s a soda machine that entitles the customer to a whole new world of sugary, syrupy, artery-hardening deliciousness.

First, you pick a basic Coke product using the amazing touch-screen. Then, it lets you choose from a variety of different flavorings to add to the plain soda, such as peach, cherry, strawberry, lime, raspberry, lemon, orange and vanilla. And if that’s not already good enough, they have the good kind of ice that is the perfect mix between crushed and cubed. So, after you’ve finished your delicious, custom made beverage, you can happily masticate that awesome crunchy ice.

There is nothing bad about this machine. My only complaint is that it’s not in my apartment. For those of you who haven’t discovered this beautiful creation, please don’t let it go unnoticed. Enjoy it. You’re welcome.

P.S. The title of this blog is “Vermillion Adventures” and this is not to be confused with that awful radio show called “Adventures in Verm-Town” (followed by high-pitched giggling and squealing.) This blog is slightly more entertaining than that show and I don’t want to be associated with it.