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BLOG: I workout and you know it

As I sit here writing this, I am hyped up on endorphins because I just had a great workout. It got me thinking I have talked a little bit about exercise, but have focused more on healthy eating. Eating healthy is still an important part of a healthy lifestyle, but so is exercising.

There are many upon many reasons why we need to exercise. It releases endorphins that make you happy. It also promotes other healthy choices throughout the day and I have even found that it helps me with my schoolwork. After a good workout (and a well deserved shower), I feel like my brain has been stimulated and I become so much more productive. For midterms, and later for finals, if you are ever feeling restless and not getting any studying done, go to the gym for 30 minutes. It really does turn things around.

Exercise is intimidating. Whether you are an athlete or have never stepped foot in the gym, exercise regimes can get overwhelming. What should you be doing? How much? How long? The list goes on, and the answer is it is different for everyone. It depends on your starting fitness level and what you will most likely stick with (Zumba, P90X, kickboxing, etc).

I was an athlete in high school and always had a coach to depend on to tell me what to do during and outside of practice. Getting into a workout routine freshmen year was hard. I had to do a lot of research and then put together a workout. Eventually, I got overwhelmed and gave up. After that, I tried the classes offered at the wellness center. Those classes may be great for some people, but they just weren’t for me. I like working on my own schedule. Luckily for me, I finally gave in and ordered Insanity after one of those infomercials came on this summer. The athlete in me loved it. The trainer, Shaun T, was like having a coach all over again. If you judge a good workout by how much you sweat, something along the lines of Insanity — an interval circuit workout — would be exactly what you need.

On the other hand, if you are like my roommate, working out is not your thing. She danced in high school, but she has admitted to not having an athletic bone in her body. When she goes to the Wellness Center, she just likes to use the cardio machines, like the bike and elliptical, and likes watching Greys Anatomy while doing so. She may not make it the toughest workout possible but she stays on the machines for a good hour.

Before I wrap this up, I do need to mention that you should be eating and drinking throughout all of this. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water — the recommended amount is 64 ounces a day, so keep your Camelbak full throughout the day. After exercising, get some protein in your body as well, whether it’s a protein shake, bar or sandwich meat. It repairs your muscles.

Finally, there is a spectrum of different kinds of workout routines, from the intense interval programs, to the fun dance workouts, to riding the bike while watching your favorite television show. It doesn’t matter how you do it, as long as you do.