1 min read

BLOG: Editor comes back for another semester

I would like to begin this by saying, I’m back! That’s right, I did the weird, the wild, the strange, and I decided to be Verve Editor for another semester.

In Volante-land, this is nearly unheard of. Every staff member in every position, save editor-in-chief, shuffles around and switches positions every semester. But Verve is my baby, and I’m not ready to give her up yet.

What do you want this semester? We’re going to try some cool, new things, like having themed issues that revolve around one topic. We’re also going to have some fun designs and hopefully some content that is equally as fun.

But who am I kidding. I still have no idea what I’m doing. If anybody out there has suggestions, comments, or a bone to pick with me, please let me know. I want this section to represent it’s readers not it’s frazzled editor, so don’t be afraid to speak up.