The 10 types of friends you’ll have in college
2 mins read

The 10 types of friends you’ll have in college

1. The week No. 1 friend

Forged in the crucible that was your first week of college, this friendship lasts throughout your four years. You may lose touch, but you know you can always call them if you’re in a pinch.

first week


2. The partier

You met them at a party and you probably only see them when you go to a party. They always know how to have a good time.





3. The librarian

The complete opposite of the partier, this friend spends most of their time in the library studying for that next big test. Usually the smartest of your friends, the librarian is your go-to person when you need help with a paper or a math problem.




4. The athlete

This friend takes intramural sports to the next level. The athlete longs for a return to the glory days of high school sports.




5. The gossiper

This friend knows everything that is happening in your group of friends. The gossiper knows who is going out with who, who is failing their classes and who is talking about who behind their back. Never tell this friend a secret you want kept.



6. The flirt

This friend flirts with anyone and everyone. They can somehow get a phone number in 30 seconds flat. If you plan on going to the bar with them, plan on sitting by yourself for the rest of the night.



7. The work friend

College is a time when everyone is poor. The jobs you work at during college are probably boring, but with your work friend, work doesn’t always have to be.



8. The environmentalist

Do you know your three R’s? If you don’t then you soon will. This friend is the person who makes you care about the environment, the reason why you recycle and one of the reasons why you have a reusable water bottle.



9. The gym rat

This friend spends all of his or her time at the gym. They will probably guilt you into going with them at some point and then you will more than likely feel bad about yourself and never go again.



10. The gamer

The friend who seems to always be playing the newest video game. You have no clue how they pass their classes since the gamer seems to always be in their dorm room trying to “level up.” The theory is that they survive on a strict diet of Mountain Dew and Doritos.


One thought on “The 10 types of friends you’ll have in college

  1. The Gossip Monger .If you ever miss out on some college drama, they’ll fill you in on all
    the dirty details and more. You’ll need these dudes if you have any hope
    of surviving college!

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