Career Wednesday aims to inform students of job opportunities
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Career Wednesday aims to inform students of job opportunities

The USD Academic and Career Planning Center, located in the library, offers students many resources, including mock interview scenarios, resume workshops and a long contact list with multiple employers.

This past Wednesday, the South Dakota Department of Labor along with the Academic and Career Planning Center tabled in the Muenster University Center to inform students about full-time and part-time jobs and internships available in South Dakota.

Jerica Johnson, who was tabling for the USD Academic and Career Planning Center, said that being out in the MUC allows the program to better interact with students on campus.

“We want to have more student interaction,” Johnson said. “If you come to any of the events and get some critiques, you can come to the career fair, dress professionally, hand out your resume and you could potentially get a job that day.”

Likewise, the Department of Labor also offers tools such as mock interviews and helpful tweaks to resumes that make them stand out. It also has an assortment of specialized programs to help students find a career best suited for them.

“We have the work force training opportunities along with temporary assistance for needy families,” representative Lee Klarman said. “I probably have half a dozen young women who are a student and single and have children and need help so that program is available.”

They plan on tabling twice a month in the MUC along with participating in the career fair in order to inform students about the work opportunities here in South Dakota and surrounding states.

“We are not located close by so we feel like this way we can offer students access to our website and all the full- and part-time positions that are available throughout this corner of the state,” Klarman said. “If students haven’t been able to find us this is a way for students to find us here.”

Klarman said she wants to inform students about the job positions that are offered in South Dakota.

“Its very cost effective to live and work here,” Klarman said. “There are a lot of good jobs offered in South Dakota. I don’t know if students are aware of all the opportunities they can have here. We want to always present that to individuals.”

The Department of Labor office can be located on 1024 W. Cherry St. and is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. No appointment is needed. They also have an office in North Sioux City.

Career Week runs this week through Oct. 22 at 7 p.m. The various events will consist of an internship quest, a resume/cover letter workshop, a job search/career fair, an interview 101/employer panel, a fall career and graduate school fair and an overseas job opportunities informational meeting.