People of the Pack: Ashley Sanchez
Ashley Sanchez is a first-year nursing major from Sioux Falls.
Sara Cappiello: How has your first week at USD been?
Ashley Sanchez: Everything has been really exciting so far. I moved in a week early to do recruitment for the sororities and I got into Pi Beta Phi so I’m super excited. It’s overall a great experience and opportunity.
SC: How was Move-in day for you?
AS: Moving in was so stressful. It was very overwhelming and overall I think it went smoothly after a while after you get to know the people on your floor and become friends with them.
SC: What are you looking forward to about this school year?
AS: I’m definitely looking forward to academically getting started. I’m really excited to start my nursing major. I have a passion for the medical field. I’m so excited to get working on that knowledge and to be moving forward.
SC: Where did you grow up?
AS: I was born and raised in Sioux Falls so I’m used to the big city.
SC: Why did you choose USD?
AS: I chose USD because of the atmosphere. I went to medical camp here, which was super fun. I love the campus and all the people. I have amazing opportunities and everyone is really welcoming and very open. They also have a great medical program and the whole school is amazing.
SC: What classes are you nervous or excited for?
AS: I’m most excited for my nursing classes to get started. I think one class I’m nervous for is psychology. But I’m a science person so I love it all.
SC: What are you planning to be involved in here on campus?
AS: I am involved in Pi Beta Phi and I’m also going to join the speech and debate team. I’m most excited for speech and debate because I did it for four years in high school and I was a national qualifier.
SC: What is your favorite part about USD so far?
AS: My favorite part is the people. I’ve met a lot of people through recruitment, on my floor. And it’s nice you’re never alone, you always have someone to hang out with and support you through the journey in college because they’re going through it too.
SC: What did you do this summer in preparation for coming to USD?
AS: I did a lot of shopping. I love going to Target. I went to medical camp and I knew what the dorms looked like and I knew the campus. I did tours and I went to the freshman orientation and talked to a lot of the underclassmen and sorority girls. They really helped me learn the campus and the college life and gave me a lot of good advice. I asked a lot of questions and became really involved. I think being an open book is what gets you to become more successful because asking questions will you get you answered.