People of the Pack: Bess Seaman
Bess Seaman is a first-year majoring in political science from Warner, S.D.
Ali Boysen: How did you vote this year and why?
Bess Seaman: Absentee. I wouldn’t have been able to make it back to Warner in time for election day, it would’ve been kind of a rush. I got an absentee form from the College Democrats table in the MUC. So that’s how I got my request in and got it in the mail.
AB: So why do you think it’s important to vote?
BS: I think it’s important because everyone needs to express their viewpoints on anything. People like to complain on the outcome of the elections but if they don’t vote then I don’t think they should be complaining, because they didn’t put in their say and I think it’s important that everybody voices their opinion.
AB: Who do you think will become the next governor, Kristi Noem or Billie Sutton?
BS: That’s a very tough question… I want Billie Sutton to win but I have a feeling that Kristi Noem might pull through; it’s going to be a very close race. I think both of their campaigns were very well followed through, but Kristi Noem has a more celebrity status I think than Billie did so people will just vote like ‘Oh I know Kristi Noem she’s our representative.’ I think she might pull through for this.
AB: If you had to convince a student to vote, what would you say to them?
BS: I would say that it’s our civil duty; there’s countries that aren’t allowed to. Especially for women, we haven’t had the right to vote for that long and we need to make up for time basically and it just very important we all go out there and voice our opinions.