People of the Pack: Kyra Lunde
Kyra Lunde is a sophomore majoring in chemistry from Hartford, S.D.
Ali Boysen: What do you do on Valentine’s Day?
Kyra Lunde: Nothing really. This year I’m planning on just hanging out in my room and studying because I have an exam the next morning. Even when I was in a relationship, we didn’t really do anything.
AB: Do you celebrate “Galentine’s” or “Palentine’s” Day instead?
KL: No. I mean, me and my little sister talked about doing chocolates for each other, but that was about it. We’d rather be able to go out to supper with each other than buy each other something.
AB: So how do you celebrate the holiday usually?
KL: I just kind of hang out and do nothing. That sounds so bad, but I don’t know. It’s mainly for people who are in relationships.
AB: What are your thoughts on Valentine’s Day as a holiday?
KL: I think it’s very commercialized. It shouldn’t be this one specific day that you treat your significant other or your friends or your family a different way because it’s Valentine’s Day. To me the small things matter. So I’m having a bad day- pick me up my favorite chocolate or something like that. I think flowers are ridiculously over-priced for Valentine’s Day, so get me flowers during a random time. I’m going to be a lot more surprised by that than on Valentine’s Day.
AB: So is this your first Valentine’s Day single or in a relationship?
KL: I’ve been single before on Valentine’s Day, and I’ve been in a relationship for one year before, and we didn’t celebrate it because we were long distance. You can’t really do anything because we were both busy with school and classes. We were both like, if you do other stuff for each other during the year why would you?