Editorial: Stop abusing study drugs
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Editorial: Stop abusing study drugs

There are many ways to ensure you get good grades in school — attendance, completing homework, studying for tests and putting effort and work.

For some students, taking “study drugs” is a way to secure the “A” they’re looking for, even though it’s a federal offense and unethical. 

In 2014 research found 1 in 5 college students reported they had used “stimulants” at least once. Stimulants are drugs that increase alertness, attention and energy. 

Stimulant drugs are also used to treat disorders such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or attention deficit disorder (ADD). The most commonly known stimulant is Adderall, followed by Ritalin, Dexedrine and Concerta.

ADHD is characterized by inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity according to the National Institute of Mental Health. These things make it difficult for students to be successful in their studies and they need medicine.

Students that don’t have attention disorders but still take these drugs are doing major harm to their bodies, and brains specifically. Taking these drugs when unnecessary “over-excites the nervous system” and can be dangerous if you become addicted.

Adderall is listed as a Schedule II drug by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, which means it’s highly addictive. The negative side effects of stimulants like Adderall are insomnia, aggression, restlessness, seizures, sexual dysfunction, weight loss, hallucinations and many others.

Some people also take this drug for the sole purpose of getting high or reaching “euphoria,” but is it worth the havoc it wreaks on the body?

Developing an addiction to a drug is something many college students may not think about when they want to have a fun weekend, cram for a big test, or simply get a lot of tasks done in a small amount of time.

Not to mention, if you get caught it’s a federal offense for selling or taking someone else’s prescription drug. On top of that, at some universities, it’s considered academic dishonesty.

We need to establish healthy time management skills instead of procrastinating homework, papers and studying. It’s easy to make excuses as to why it’s okay to take these drugs every once in a while to catch up on schoolwork, but there’s not a good enough reason.

These stimulants are not something to take lightly; you’re risking a lot when you ingest them. It’s hard to put together a plan to become more organized and manage your time better, but it’s better than risking jail time.

Stop normalizing other students using or selling study drugs, you’re taking an unnecessary risk.