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BIOS Babes Celebrates Women in STEM

New clubs are established every semester, and this semester, the BIOS Babes club was introduced on the USD campus.

BIOS Babes is a club on campus that focuses on the history of women in STEM, specifically in tech. Alexis Haiar, the president of the club, said the creation of this club is very beneficial for the school in many ways.

“BIOS Babes was started to highlight and celebrate the roles that women fill in tech, as women are largely a minority in this area,” Haiar said. “BIOS Babes is also a great community to find friends and get to know people with similar interests.”

BIOS Babes was brainstormed in Oct. 2022 but officially created in Jan. 2023. Haiar said they’re still trying to build up the club, but they are proud of how it has gone so far. 

“We haven’t had the chance to do anything too cool yet as we are so new, but we are looking forward to building our organization and encouraging more people, especially women, to learn more about computer science,” Haiar said. 

The club has meetings on the third Thursday of every month and the structure of the meeting is casual. They usually hang out and go through a brief presentation and video focusing on a woman with significance in computer science.

“This month, we talked about Margaret Hamilton who coined the term “software engineering” during her work with NASA’s Apollo missions,” Haiar said. 

Haiar said they have many ideas they hope to implement in the future once the club is bigger and has the resources to do so. 

“In the future, we would like to potentially bring in guest speakers and promote opportunities for our members,” Haiar said. 

The club currently has six members and one advisor. They are always looking for new people to join. Students can join by looking up BIOS Babes on the USD Involved Page or by emailing alexis.o.haiar@coyotes.usd.edu.