The Good, The Bad and The Missing TV

How big are the dorm rooms? In North Complex, where I have been living for the past two years, they are 10’7” x 15’4”. That is about 165 square feet shared between two people. I’ve lived in less than 83 square feet to call my own for two years.  After a while this takes a […]

2 mins read

Vex And The Verm: A Room Full of Strangers

It’s hard to be happy for others when you’re not. I am used to it at this point, though it still pangs. Being single, and to have never been in love, at least to never have that love reciprocated. All of this is, of course, non-platonic love which I am referring to. Most of the […]

3 mins read

Interview With a Former Homecoming Queen

  Linda Gay Winters Zimmerman was born and raised here in Vermillion. Growing up, her father worked for the REA and her mother was a school teacher.       In the 1960s she attended USD and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in music education. After graduating, she married her husband and moved to El Paso, […]

5 mins read

Lightning Strikes Backstage 

There are a lot more people involved in a play than just the actors on the screen. To make a production run and smoothly there is a whole team behind the scene.       “The Lightning Thief” the USD’s Theatre department’s next show, is contemporary, but involves many fantasy themes and is a musical adaptation […]

3 mins read

Vex and the Verm – a Column: Guess the Apple Doesn’t Want to Fall Far From the Tree.

 It’s that time of year. One doesn’t even have to look around to see that almost everyone is sick. I have just gotten over this after what felt like weeks of coughing and pain.       Unfortunately, I’m being plagued with a new sickness. Homesickness.       It all started after I watched a video […]

2 mins read

Biannual Drag Show is Free for All

USD’s Spectrum: Gender and Sexuality Alliance will host their biannual drag show on Oct. 24 free to all.      Spectrum and their drag show have been around since the 1990s when it was started by Professor Cindy Struckman-Johnson, who saw a need for a Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) group on campus.      […]

2 mins read