Strollers organization introduces diversity training

Changes are coming to campus for the Strollers organization this year. With new plans, training and volunteer opportunities, Strollers is implementing a new way to run their organization. Keeley Rexwinkel, senior nursing major and a member of the Strollers organization, said changes are being made to the organization and new policies are being enforced. “The […]

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Greek Week brings sororities, fraternities together

Greek Week is a week dedicated to celebrating Greek Life at USD. It also promotes unity within the four sororities and eight fraternities on campus.  This year, Greek Week is taking place Sept. 21 through the 25. Isaih Schott, a sophomore radiologic technology major and member of Lambda Chi Alpha summarized what Greek Week is. […]

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Spring recruitment starts strong in Greek life

Fraternities and sororities never rest when it comes to recruitment and a month into the spring semester, they aren’t close to slowing down. Last week kicked off spring recruitment for Greek life on campus with the Interfraternity Council’s (IFC) Meet The Greeks event. IFC hosted all 12 chapters of Greek life in the Muenster University […]

4 mins read

Sorority members travel to St. Louis, Los Angeles for College Weekend Leadership training

Across the country, thousands of sorority chapter executive teams traveled to two cities to learn more about their respective chapters. Members of Pi Beta Phi traveled to St. Louis from Jan. 24-26, to take part in Pi Phi College Weekend. Members of Alpha Phi attended a leadership conference in Los Angeles on Jan. 31 through […]

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Amnesty Day: A day to unite Greeks

Since the beginning of Greek life rivalry, houses have played pranks on each other. Some of these pranks are harmless; some of them, like taking other houses’ belongings, have consequences.  On Monday, Greek life houses participated in Amnesty Day. Amnesty Day is a day which allows houses to return any items they have from another […]

3 mins read

Greek homes serve four-year probations, “not a big deal”

From the outside looking in, it might appear Greek Life at USD is under probation. In reality, only five out of the 12 chapters on USD are serving probation sentences.  While five houses on probation may seem high, Laura Anderton, director of sorority and fraternity life and leadership, said most are serving old probation sentences.  […]

6 mins read

Hard liquor banned from fraternities; will be implemented by fall 2019

By Lexi Kerzman and Rachel Newville The North-American Interfraternity Council (NIC) will be implementing stricter guidelines on drinking at fraternity social events. These new rules banning hard liquor from fraternity facilities will start being enforced nationwide and at USD in the fall of 2019. Policy changes follow the death of a fraternity member of Beta Theta […]

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