Starr alignment: USD football alum featured on HBO reality TV show

This summer, the University of South Dakota’s recent graduate Tyler Starr had his time to show the world his true self, both on and off the football field. HBO’s reality series “Hard Knocks” featured the Falcons’ training camp and fall preseason preview, featuring Starr in the first episode. Starr, his wife, Megan Wheeler, and son, […]

2 mins read

Emergency crews rescue two from capsized canoe

Local emergency services rescued two people on the south side of the Missouri River near Vermillion Sunday when their canoe capsized. The male and female were reported to be in the river for nearly three hours after they entered the water at 3:30 p.m., said Shannon Draper, chief of the Vermillion Fire Department. The individuals made it to […]

1 min read

Campus rape addressed by White House task force

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration admonished colleges and universities — “No more turning a blind eye” — as it released guidelines designed to stem sexual assaults on campuses and help the victims. A White House task force on sexual assault recommends in a report to be released Tuesday that schools identify trained, confidential victim’s advocates […]

5 mins read