Clark St. Construction Leads to Natural Gas Leak on USD’s Main Campus
On Monday, Oct. 21, The University Police Department (UPD) issued two Timely Warnings through the Everbridge mobile app alerting both students and faculty members of a discovered gas leak taking place on USD’s main campus. “At approximately 2:40 PM, UPD sent officers to the south side of the Vermillion campus after receiving a report of […]
Biannual Drag Show is Free for All
USD’s Spectrum: Gender and Sexuality Alliance will host their biannual drag show on Oct. 24 free to all. Spectrum and their drag show have been around since the 1990s when it was started by Professor Cindy Struckman-Johnson, who saw a need for a Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) group on campus. […]
Community Celebrates Halloween Downtown
With Halloween quickly approaching, Vermillion plans to celebrate their annual Downtown Trick or Treating. On Friday, October 25, more than 20 businesses will gather downtown to pass out candy to children. Student organizations on campus are able to participate in the event as well. The city will close down […]
Vex And The Verm: The Most Prominent Culture at USD
It’s the thought that consumes pretty much everyone’s mind – Hookups, specifically hookup culture and what it looks like at USD. Have you ever hooked up with someone? Someone who you went with knowing exactly what each of you was going to get out of it. How did it leave you feeling? […]
Movie Review: A Film 40 Years in the Making!
Francis Ford Coppola may sound familiar to some as the director behind some of the most critically acclaimed films of all time, such as The Godfather trilogy and Apocalypse Now. Despite immense successes, Coppola has not had a theatrical release in over a decade until now with the release of his newest […]
Dakota Days Queen of 1968 Still in Vermillion
Today, Winter Zimmerman lives in Vermillion and is a member of PEO. In 1968 Gay Winters Zimmerman, Then Linda Gay Winters, was Dakota Days Queen. Winters Zimmerman majored in music education and was involved in a multitude of activities. These include Freshman Snow Queen, pledge class secretary, 1967 Rose of Delta Sigma Pi, local and […]
Behind the Scenes of Homecoming Week
With unusually warm October temperatures, the 110th annual celebration known as D-Days is well underway at USD. Tuesday morning, students gathered in the MUC for free bagels from Einstein’s and mocktails made from Bubblr and fruit juice. With some jazz music in the background at nine in the morning, the Rise N Dine […]
Vex and the Verm – a column: Nathan Goes Greek, A Real Story of Rushing
For starters, I am not the type of person who would ever rush. That was until I learned what Greek life is really like. Going into this I had some predetermined guesses on which houses I would like or could get into. I also had a decent amount of friends in different ones, which may […]
Retired Professor Makes New Path With Safe Rides
Retired USD professor, Kevin O’Kelley has made it his mission to dedicate his retirement to the University of South Dakota. One way O’Kelley is giving back to the coyote community is by operating one of the Safe Rides buses on weekends. Safe Rides is known as an easy and secure way for […]
International Students Welcome Neuharth as New Home at USD
Unlike many colleges across the country, USD continues to see strong enrollment numbers. In particular, one demographic of students has far outpaced everyone else: international students. According to Gallagher International Center Director Patrick Morrison, there are currently 764 international students from 71 countries studying at USD. Roughly […]