The Future of the Paperback

Growing up with a passion for reading, I learned many vital lessons — don’t write in library books, never “dog-ear” pages and the paperback came before the e-book. Granted, the surge of popularity of the electronic book had many questioning what the future of the old-fashioned paperback would be.   According to the Association of American […]

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Show up for Black Lives Matter

The United States is going through a lot right now. A tight presidential race, a spiraling out of control pandemic that is averaging 945 deaths per day, and boiling over racial tensions. On top of that, many students across the country are going back to school, sports are cautiously starting up again and it feels […]

3 mins read

Don’t cancel the environment too

Cancel culture is still in full swing and no one seems to be safe from the wrath of the TikTok teens. I think although many spent their summer waking up to the injustices in the world, we continue to find reasons to call ourselves and others out on mistakes that, for a celebrity, could be career-ending.   We are all learning and growing. Many […]

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