People of the Pack: Dom McClendon
Dom McClendon is a junior music education major from Sioux Falls, SD. Ali Boysen: What are your plans for spring break? DM: The USD Chamber Singers are actually going to Europe. We’ll be in London for about six days and Paris for about four days. We’ll be singing various concerts around the area, our hotel in […]
People of the Pack: Maia Gabrielson
Maia Gabrielson is a junior majoring in kinesiology from Sioux Falls, SD. Ali Boysen: How do you balance your social life and school? MG: Most of my classes I take in the morning that way I can have the afternoons to go to the library or get some homework done, because I always try and take […]
Player of the Pack: Triston Simpson
Triston Simpson is a junior basketball player from Lincoln, Neb. He averages 13.7 points per game, 3.7 rebounds and 3.3 assists in 37 minutes. Simpson leads the Summit League in minutes per game and is second for the Coyotes in points per game this season.buy wellbutrin online https://taxmama.com/wp-content/forum/styles/new/engl/wellbutrin.html no prescription Bailey Zubke: How do you […]
People of the Pack: Kyra Lunde
Kyra Lunde is a sophomore majoring in chemistry from Hartford, S.D. Ali Boysen: What do you do on Valentine’s Day? Kyra Lunde: Nothing really. This year I’m planning on just hanging out in my room and studying because I have an exam the next morning. Even when I was in a relationship, we didn’t really […]
People of the Pack: Ian Rice
Ian Rice is a junior from Rapid City, S.D. and works for UBrew in the Muenster University Center. Ali Boysen: What were your thoughts when other schools were getting cancelled but USD wasn’t yet? Ian Rice: I honestly wasn’t surprised, USD doesn’t really get cancelled for anything just because so many people live on campus. […]
Player of the Pack: Tommy Vining
Molly Schiermeyer: What course are you most looking forward to playing this spring? Tommy Vining: We are playing a lot of new venues so I’m just excited to play in different parts of the country and have those experiences with my teammates. I think we are all looking to the Summit League championship course as most of […]
Player of the Pack: Alanisse Williams
Alanisse Williams is a hurdler for the USD track and field team working for her degree in sport management and kinesiology. Alanisse is from Buckeye, Arizona. Bailey Zubke: Why did you choose to come to USD? Alanisse Willliams: When I came on my visit, it really felt like home. I felt comfortable. Both of my parents […]
People of the Pack: Jacob Holmberg
Jacob Holmberg is a sophomore criminal justice major from Madison, S.D. Ali Boysen: What are your thoughts on the government shutdown and how long it’s lasted? Jacob Holmberg: I think it’s dumb. It’s so unnecessary it’s gone on this long, and people aren’t getting paid and government workers aren’t able to pay their bills now. That’s not cool. […]
People of the Pack: Sidney Bohnet
Sidney Bohnet is a sophomore majoring in business marketing from Winner, S.D. Ali Boysen: Did you make any New Year’s resolutions this year? Sidney Bohnet: I don’t really believe in New Year’s resolutions. Like if I want to change, I’ll do it whenever; it doesn’t have to be a new year. AB: Since you don’t […]
People of the Pack: Bess Seaman
Bess Seaman is a first-year majoring in political science from Warner, S.D. Ali Boysen: How did you vote this year and why? Bess Seaman: Absentee. I wouldn’t have been able to make it back to Warner in time for election day, it would’ve been kind of a rush. I got an absentee form from the College Democrats […]