Letter from the editor: The Volante is here to be your voice
2020 has turned the entire world upside down. Our perfect schedules were cleared. Our travel plans were postponed. Classes were redesigned.
Everything we knew is gone.
While things we once took for granted are changing to luxuries, it is important to learn from what we are going through.
Through this pandemic, I have learned how to relax and reflect.
Before spring break I was taking 12 credits, working 15-20 hours a week, working out daily, serving as Editor-in-Chief and trying to maintain a social life.
It goes without saying: I was busy. I had every second of my day planned out and was staying up until 3 a.m. just to get everything done.
While I miss my perfectly timed out schedule, taking time to recharge has been incredibly beneficial for me.
Not being able to be in my beloved newsroom every day — for way too long — has made me appreciate our late nights even more.
I miss staying late just because. Our staff’s in the newsroom much more than just print nights. We often aren’t even working when we’re there. Our newsroom is our safe space. It’s where we go to be creative and be ourselves.
While I miss the newsroom, I miss those who filled it more. The Volante has brought me my best friends. I miss the energy that comes from us being together.
Being away from our office and The Volante staff, I have remembered why I spend so much time in the newsroom.
In the newsroom, we are free to work together and be creative with one another. I miss our ability to tell stories and brainstorm and decide which of those stories are news stories and which ones are just for us.
Not being able to see everyone and work together has been extremely hard. But, despite how hard it is, I know it is making me a stronger leader.
If we as The Volante staff are able to work together — while being states apart — when we can finally be together again, we will be unstoppable.
While no time is ideal for a global pandemic to interrupt our lives, it is happening now. I hope despite all the changes, you are holding onto the good.
I hope you still call your college friends, take time to study and learn, care for yourself physically and mentally and I hope you are still reading the news.
While we aren’t in our newsroom, we are still here for you. We know now more than ever we need news sources to tell the important stories. While our regular E-editions are over for the year, we will still be active online and we encourage you to follow us on social media. We are here to keep you connected to the USD campus while we are all far apart.
And when we all eventually come back together, I hope you appreciate every moment. College goes fast and now more than ever we understand just how fast.
Go to a play next semester, go to tailgate, check out a student art show, go to an event put on by the Center for Diversity and Community — take advantage of all that happens on our campus.
And if you can’t go to an event, read The Volante. We will be there reporting on what is happening at USD. We are the students’ voice — and eyes and ears when we need to be.
Pick us up and cherish your time at USD.