USD accounting students recieve 7 out of 9 CPA scholarships

Several USD accounting students received seven out of nine of the South Dakota Certified Public Accountants (CPA) Society scholarships. The process began early this year and students found out in June and August.  USD student Haley Duffield, who received the Accounting Excellence scholarship, said that she had gotten an email from Beacom for the scholarship […]

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New grant gives Center for Child Maltreatment new direction

A new grant was awarded to USD’s Center for the Prevention of Child Maltreatment (CPCM) by the Department of Education after a proposal was made by the CPCM to produce a document called “The State of the Well-Being of Children’s Report”. The grant was awarded to CPCM to better the data given to complete the […]

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Christmastime starts in November

The second the clock strikes midnight on Nov. 1, the transition from Halloween and fall decor to Christmas trees and lights immediately begins. By this time, people are sick of all things pumpkin spice and ready to make the shift to all things amoxil online no prescription Some may make the argument that […]

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The CDC: leaving an impact on diversity at USD

The Center for Diversity and Community (CDC) was created back in November 2014 shortly after Lamont Sellers, the current director of intercultural student affairs at Appalachian State University, was hired at USD as the inaugural director of the CDC. Sellers, Dean of Students Kim Grieve and others worked on a proposal that called for an intergroup space. Sellers said the space wouldn’t be dedicated […]

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