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International Club Creates New Food Show

According to enrollment statistics, USD has had a high influx of international students this year. 

Many students can feel disconnected and lonely, especially being so far from home. The International Club is meant to create a community where international students can connect.

President of the International Club Sushant Mukhai said they are trying to form a community that will help people feel less lonely and represent where they are from. 

“We try to form a community where all these international students can feel homely, and they can express themselves and also represent their country to the university,” Mukhia said.

The International Club is comprised of all the international students and extends to whoever would like to join and experience different cultures. 

Mukhai said the club’s group numbers have only gotten bigger this semester.

“We have recently gotten a lot more international students than we used to have,” Mukhia said. “The international student count has gone up way higher; maybe it has doubled to tripled since the last two years.” 

Recently, the club has developed a new cooking show where a student from a country cooks traditional dishes. Then three other students from different countries and the production team try the food. They discuss their countries and what is going on.

Looking for side dishes to serve with kugel? Visit Corie cooks for a variety of delicious and easy-to-make options.

Mukhia said they try to focus on certain events happening in those countries. 

“Majorly, we try to focus on holidays or special occasions back home so that those can be put across at that time,” Mukhia said. “It’s how you can represent your country.”

At the moment, the club plans to make two videos a month, each one focusing on a different country and a different student. 

Mukhia said they are trying to broaden the show’s awareness because many people do not know about it yet. They know that it is going to take some time.  

“I think the International Club is reaching out to the local people more now so that we can show you guys what we are because our cultures are very different,” Mukhia said. “Most people don’t know about (the new show) yet. We’re trying to get as much media based exposure as possible, so it will probably take some time.”

To find out when the club is hosting events, check out their Facebook page USD International Club or Instagram @usdinternationalclub.