USD student stays ‘Never Offended Always Humble’
Marcus Destin is a senior at USD studying Communications as well as minoring in Multicultural Studies. Recently, the 25 year old has made his own mark starting a new business and podcast.
Destin is the Co-owner of the business Never Offended Always Humble (N.O.A.H) alongside his brother, Stefan. Destin said their business offers a variety of services such as clothing, managing music artist and producing content and investing in startup businesses and ideas.
Destin said in an email interview with the Volante, this has been a lot of hard work but that it has shown to pay off.
“It means the world to see the things you took time to invest in grow, it’s the best feeling in the world watching the people closest to you follow the mantra and support the lifestyle,” Destin said.
Destin said the inspiration for the name N.O.A.H came from the lifestyle his brother and he had strived to live throughout high school and even today.
“It has been an extreme blessing to us so far so we wanted other people to have the same success from this mantra that we did,” Destin said.
Destin said the design of the N.O.A.H merchandise is meant to reflect more as a lifestyle than a logo, and one that we should try our best to follow every day.
“It represents perseverance through pressure, and humbled success,” Destin said.
Destin also explained what Never Offended Always Humble means to him.
“Never Offended means being confident in your skill, work ethic, or whatever you bring to the table and being able to take the criticism, disapproval, condemnation, or any attack that may come; It’s unrivaled growth through turmoil,” Destin said.
He explained that Always Humble to him means no matter how successful or how many setbacks one may have they must stay humble.
“Staying humble gives us infinite room to grow and learn, Always Humble is respectful, modest and humble success no matter what,” Destin said. “Stay humbled or get humbled.”
Destin also stays busy with his podcast “Movies in Black and White.” The podcast features Destin along with Director of the MUC, Doug Wagner. Here, they review movies for their fans.
“We watch movies, dissect them in a funny and honest way and review pop culture, comics, and movies,” Destin said.
Destin said he also does podcasts that involve interviewing artist, analyzing music, along with reviewing movies and has even gotten the chance to speak with directors and writers in the film industry.
“I love it so much it gives me a chance to nerd out in all my areas of interest,” Destin said.
This isn’t the end of Destin’s hobbies by any means, early last Spring Destin also performed at USD’s Ruby Ball. Destin said having this opportunity was one he will always cherish.
“It meant the world, by far the largest crowd I’ve performed for ever, but beyond that it was dope as hell to see sprinkles of people knowing the words to my songs…That’s a dream and if I never get any bigger or perform again, I will always hold that moment close to my heart,” Destin said.
Due to COVID-19 Destin is not currently performing, but plans to start again someday when it is safer.
Destin also encourages any other Black and African American business starters and students, in general, to follow their aspirations.
“Learn the game and play the game, it’s enough out here for everyone to win,” Destin said.
Destin said he has a personal motto for this, “5 or 500, and that means regardless of if you have 5 people supporting or 500, or 5,000, or 5 Million people, make sure you give the same energy to that faithful 5 that you would give to that 5 million.”
Destin said support can be hard to find but once it is found it should be cherished.
“Believe in those that believe in you, and perfect your craft for you and them, let them grow WITH you and they will always be in your corner,” Destin said.
Those interested in following Destin on his journey can follow his social media accounts.