Pride Week to celebrate LGBTQ+ community
Spectrum organizes a pride week dedicated to promoting and celebrating the LGBTQ+ community each spring. Pride Day usually is celebrated in June, which is Pride Month, but Spectrum selects a week within the spring semester so USD students can participate and support the LGBTQ+ community. The week will kick off on Thursday, April 18, with […]
Wacipi: Healing through dance
The sound of footsteps resonated in the Sanford Coyote Sports Center Saturday and Sunday, as the delicate clinking of jingle dresses mixed with the beating of drums to celebrate the 47th Annual Wacipi. Dancing is more than just a calorie burner or stress reliever for indigenous peoples. For Steve Yellow Earrings of the Standing Rock […]
Spring Awakening: Connecting past and present
Spring Awakening, the USD theatre department’s newest production, showcases electrifying, realistic and raw performances, as it relieves the original 19th-century play. USD theatre’s remake displays the relevance of the 1891 German play as it explores the tumultuous journey from adolescence to adulthood. Matthew Nesmith, associate professor of theatre and play director said the new […]
Diversity of musicians and of instruments: National Music Museum’s tradition of live concerts
For over 45 years, the National Music Museum (NMM) has offered a variety of musical performances for people at USD to enjoy. The NMM Live series originally evolved from the Brown Bag series, named for the theme of ‘lunchtime performances’, drawing people on and off campus. Musical performances in the evening were added, and the […]
The Ruby Ball offers a new type of party at USD
Over 150 people sported their nicest outfits on Saturday night for a new type of party on campus. The First Annual Ruby Ball, organized by the Union of African American Students (UAAS), gave students and faculty an evening of music, dancing and food in the MUC Ballroom. Marcus Destin, president of UAAS, said the Ruby […]
DiME Fest expresses diversity through music
Flashing lights and music reverberated through the Vermillion Theater Friday night as DiME Fest hosted seven musical acts to promote diversity in music. DiME, or Diversity in Media and Entertainment, held the music festival that consisted mostly of indie rock and punk. The setlist included Free Truman, Vanity Plate, Plumslugger, Her Grace, Arlinda Peacock, Soleil […]
Festival of Nations: Traveling through food
The Festival of Nations event gives students and community members a trip across the world without leaving Vermillion–and it’s done all through food. “People cook from their heart and they can share their culture,” said Anita Shrestha, president of the USD International Club, whose annual potluck-style event featured dishes from 35 countries, including Pakistan, India, […]
Dances of Universal Peace provide a place of spirituality at Vermillion library
Once a month people come together in the Vermillion library to celebrate peace through music, inclusiveness through connecting with one another and spirituality in whatever way they may view it. Dances of Universal Peace happen all around the country, but Steve Miller, a dance leader in training, started Vermillion’s dances last May. “They are meditation […]
High school students perform at Coyote Jazz Festival
High schoolers from South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska and Iowa performed and were honored March 12 during the annual Coyote Jazz Festival . Michael Swanson, a senior music education major, dealt with the event behind the scenes alongside other student workers and faculty. “I was working backstage,” said Swanson. “In the Knutson Theatre kinda (I was) […]
A night of elegance: African Night
The annual African Night was held by the African Student Association (ASA) in the Muenster University Center (MUC) ballroom Sunday and embraced the theme of African elegance. The event showcased the cultural diversity of Africa and served authentic food such as Ethiopian Tibs, South African Simosa, and Nigerian Jollof Rice and showcased a performance from […]