Will Artificial Intelligence Kill the Essay?

Artificial intelligence (A.I.) has become incredibly accessible in recent decades, and with its increasing relevance in our daily lives, many people are starting to question how far we can take it and how healthy it is for group human intelligence. The release of the A.I. platform, ChatGPT, has changed perceptions of artificial intelligence and the […]

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Group Projects are Worse than Individual Work

There is nothing worse than showing up to class and hearing the teacher say you will be assigned a group project, then they proceed to group you up with class members who you know will do absolutely nothing to contribute. Or maybe you are that latter-described class member. I get that group projects have some […]

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Editorial: Why are the Seats Always Empty?

College athletics are one of the most distinctive features of school. Sports are a significant portion of USD’s identity and a way to recruit new students. There are many different teams and sporting events that USD students are a part of. There’s football, basketball, golf, track and field, swimming and others. All of these sports […]

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The Symphony: A Night of Beautiful Music

The University of South Dakota Symphony Orchestra (USDSO) always presents a lively and entertaining performance. I had the pleasure of attending the matinee concert and was incredibly excited to listen to a full symphony created by the famous composer, Beethoven.  Beethoven’s “Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67” is a challenging and intricate piece […]

2 mins read

Editorial: Dangers Gun Violence Poses to USD

Students and employees of colleges deserve a safe environment to learn and work. It’s the job of the university, state and federal government to ensure people feel safe to attend college. Gun violence and mere exposure to gun violence can lead to poor academic performance, emotional stress and obvious physical danger. The safety of college […]

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