Lightning Strikes Backstage 

There are a lot more people involved in a play than just the actors on the screen. To make a production run and smoothly there is a whole team behind the scene.       “The Lightning Thief” the USD’s Theatre department’s next show, is contemporary, but involves many fantasy themes and is a musical adaptation […]

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USD Theatre Department Hosts Four Person Play

The USD theatre department will be showing the play called “Ada and the Engine” on Oct. 19 through the 22 in the Arena theater. The play follows a young woman named Ada Byron who is the daughter of the scandalous Lord Byron. Through the industrial revolution, she meets inventor Charles Babbage, who is the creator […]

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“[title of show]” involves audience, breaks the fourth wall

The Department of Theatre hosts their second theatre production of the year, “[title of show],” Oct. 21-24. The musical tells the story of two men writing a musical about two men writing a musical. Assistant Director Jeffrey Larsen said the meta-theatrical show touches on the idea of wanting to create something and be one’s own […]

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She Kills Monsters brings empowerment and fantasy to the stage

The upcoming USD production of She Kills Monsters empowers women through adventure and growth. Premiering via livestream at the Knutson Theatre April 22-25, She Kills Monsters brings strong, complex LGBTQ+ characters to the stage.  Senior theatre studies major and acting, stage management and technical directing emphasis, LD Dowell plays Tilly in She Kills Monsters.  Dowell […]

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“Zanna, Don’t!” turns social norms upside down on stage

USD Theatre’s newest production aims to turn the audience’s world upside down in “Zanna, Don’t!” As a social satire, “Zanna, Don’t!” reverses social and gender norms to create a parallel universe where homosexuality is in and heterosexuality is out.  Director Oliver Mayes said the topsy-turvy world of “Zanna, Don’t!” will challenge audiences to think about […]

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Summer Shakespeare Festival 2021 planned to be in-person

The South Dakota Shakespeare Festival (SDSF) will be held in person at Prentis Park this summer from June 17-20, unlike the remote festival that was streamed online last summer. Artistic Director, Chaya Gordon-Bland, said the mission of the SDSF is to engage, connect and inspire communities by exploring our shared human experiences through inclusive professional […]

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Women on Boats: USD production of “Men on Boats” stars all-female cast

USD Theater’s February production of “Men on Boats” is a comedic romp through history with a twist: the ten male characters in the show are played entirely by female actors. The play retells John Wesley Powell’s 1869 expedition of the Grand Canyon. Although the cast is all female, the names of the characters, their pronouns, […]

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