USD professors reflect on former South Dakota governor’s impact during his visit

USD honored former South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard with a portrait of his likeness last Wednesday. Farber Hall contains a portrait of all USD alumni who have served as a governor. Daugaard is the eleventh portrait.  David Earnest, the chair of USD’s Department of Political Science, attended the ceremony. Earnest said one of Dugaard’s impacts […]

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How USD handles classes cancelled for low enrollment

When classes at USD get cancelled due to low enrollment, the academic deans at USD try to help students navigate through these issues.  Beth Freeburg, Associate Provost and Graduate Dean, said USD operates under a 4/7/10 policy, which is a South Dakota Board of Regents rule. Under this rule, undergraduate classes — level 100, 200, […]

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Robert the raccoon rocks Coyote Village

Most pet owners on campus have a dog, cat or fish, but first-year Nick Gaes has a pet raccoon named Robert. Gaes has had Robert for two years and currently lives in Coyote Village.  Gaes is a kinesiology and sports management major and plays football at USD. Gaes got Robert from a farm in Iowa. […]

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Brust & Weightman

Our campaign stands out. Retention is a complicated topic involving several steps and each of these steps contributes to our platforms: advocacy, accessibility and affordability. We believe there’s more to student government than student representation. One must also be active in their leadership role and support the student body regardless of race, gender, religion, political […]

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Art for Art – Latte Art Throwdown

Hearts, rosettas, tulips and swans. These were some of the designs made at the second annual Art for Art – Latte Art Throwdown at The Bean on Jan. 31. People filed into The Bean to watch as the baristas battled it out to see who could make the best latte art. The competition was a […]

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Swimming and Writing

For most, juggling athletics with studying medical biology seems like enough work in itself. Dedicating time to writing and performing music albums in addition can be even more challenging. For sophomore swimmer Griffin Wolner, that’s his reality. Two years ago, Wolner took an official visit with the Coyote swim team and eventually turned it into […]

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Dakota Realty Alumni Track Meet preview

South Dakota’s home indoor track meet will include numerous nationally ranked athletes, in-state rivalries and conference foes. Both the men and women are coming off a tied for a second-place finish in Nebraska’s Adidas Classic, and are looking for a win in the DakotaDome next weekend. The Coyotes are hosting 12 to 15 teams including […]

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