Dakotathon exceeds goal during push week

The 25-year anniversary of Dakotathon is this year, and with that came a push week goal of $25,000 raised for the week of Oct. 18-21, including a $15,000 goal for Thursday, Oct. 21. Dakotathon, a campus organization that raises money for the Children’s Miracle Network and the Sanford Children’s Hospital in Sioux Falls, raised $26,791 […]

3 mins read

SDBOR Representatives meet with student organization leaders

Before the Senate Bill 55 task force meeting on Oct. 14, at 4:30 p.m., a meeting was held between members of the South Dakota Board of Regents (SDBOR) and several student organization presidents to discuss how the soon-to-be-established Opportunity Center would impact USD. General Counsel Nathan Lukkes explained the Opportunity Center and answered a majority of the […]

5 mins read

SB 55 Task Force meets, gets questioned on Opportunity Center initiative

The South Dakota Board of Regents’ (SDBOR) Senate Bill 55 (SB 55) Task Force came to USD Oct. 14 to present the BOR’s strategies for addressing the bill’s charges to students and faculty.  SB 55 is “An Act to require the Board of Regents to assemble a task force to study the operations and functions […]

3 mins read

Kicking-Off Halloween with a Fashion Show

Spectrum hosted a Great Pumpkin Gala Fashion Show in the Muenster University Center (MUC) pit Oct. 15. Spectrum is a gender and sexuality alliance club on campus at the USD. The fashion show contestants included a witch, Lin Manuel Miranda, a hippie, a bunny, a bull and a conservative mother and her gay son. Spectrum’s […]

1 min read

ICARE hosts event to combat unhealthy relationships

USD’s ICARE, a campus sexual assault prevention group, is hosting “Because I Love You,” an event to discuss healthy relationships. The event is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 26 in the Muenster University Center (MUC) pit at 4:30 p.m. The event is part of Healthy Relationships Month, the organization’s spin on Domestic Violence Awareness Month. ICARE […]

3 mins read

Native American Day celebrated in South Dakota

This year, for the first time in history, the United States president recognized the second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples’ Day. In 1990, Columbus Day was changed to Native American Day in South Dakota. USD student Rachel Overstreet is the new Tiospaye Student Council president.  “Indigenous people, especially in South Dakota and in the […]

1 min read

‘Why Trees Go Nuts’ lecture Held at Farber Hall

USD’s chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa honor society held a lecture in Farber Hall on “why trees go nuts,” explaining the importance of trees growing nuts and how the process works and impacts the world. The lecture was given by Victoria L. Sork, a professor at the Institute of Environmental Sustainability at UCLA, who […]

2 mins read

SGA Senate Resolution 7 Speaks Out On Student Federation

USD’s representatives for the South Dakota Student Federation, Ally Feiner and Katie Brust, received an email that the leaders of the federation would be sending representatives from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology to the South Dakota Board of Regents meeting Oct. 6-7. This email sparked conversation among Student Government Association Sen. Caleb […]

10 mins read

Residence halls to have recycling, landfill bins added to rooms

Last year, student Caitlin Reimers applied for the Green Initiative Fund with the goal of putting recycling and landfill bins in every dorm room on campus.  That project has since become a reality, with every residence hall either installing or planning to install bins in individual rooms this semester. Reimers, a transfer student from SDSU, […]

7 mins read