USD encourages COVID-19 tests before break

With only two days left until the campus is vacated and students return home for spring break, the university is preparing for the COVID-19 repercussions that could be seen after the Coyotes reconvene after the break. USD is continually stressing the importance of getting tested and is offering students “Know Before You Go” PCR testing […]

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Dakotathon continues despite COVID-19

This year’s Dakotathon, an annual fundraiser at USD, will be held virtually because of COVID-19 restrictions. However, this hasn’t stopped students from choosing to participate.   Junior medical biology major Leah Drengenberg said she had never heard of Dakotathon until the end of her freshman year, but had heard of dance marathons. Drengenberg said she was sitting in class when people came in to talk about the Dakotathon and she decided […]

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Eats with Ashley brings African food to Vermillion

Beginning in January, a USD student used her personal cultural knowledge to bring diverse eating options to the Vermillion community once a week. Junior exercise science major Ashley Charlie started Eats with Ashley when she noticed that there was a lack of cultural foods in Vermillion.  When Charlie came to USD, she made connections within […]

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Professors celebrate their published books despite COVID-19

In 2020, three books were published by professors in the College of Arts and Sciences. Ben Hagen, Marcella Remund and Sara Lampert all discussed their new books with professor Zoli Filotas during an author panel. The panel was held online to celebrate the teacher’s publications.   All three teachers said they participated in the author panel to increase awareness for their […]

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Cheerleaders to business owners: Bougie Berries launches in Vermillion

Bougie Berries is a brand new strawberry decorating company in Vermillion owned by three USD cheerleaders that was launched last month.  Junior interior design major Asiah Jackson and junior pre-law major Aliyah Jackson are sisters who met sophomore media and journalism major Kayla Saleem through cheerleading a year ago. Bougie Berries was not their original plan, as they had […]

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Vermillion Walmart to administer COVID-19 vaccines

Walmart and Sam’s Club pharmacies will begin administering COVID-19 vaccines through the U.S. Federal Retail Pharmacy Program on Feb. 12. One of the more than 1,000 Walmart and Sam’s Club pharmacies in 22 states participating in this program will be the Walmart on Princeton St. in Vermillion, South Dakota. The company worked with the Centers […]

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Brief: USD to offer free rapid testing for COVID-19 on campus

USD will be offering free rapid COVID-19 testing in room 212 of the Muenster University Center 5 days a week from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. starting Feb. 8. The BinaxNOW antigen test, paid for by the South Dakota Department of Health (DOH), provides results in 15 minutes. Those tested will self-collect nasal swab samples […]

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Charlie Grams return in time for Valentine’s Day

Charlie’s Bookstore is bringing the love to students this Valentine’s Day with their revamped Charlie Grams.  Cassie Schoenhard, Charlie’s Marketing and Retail Operations Graduate Assistant, said this year was a new start for Charlie Grams.  “We really wanted to bring back Charlie Grams since we didn’t do them last year,” Schoenhard said, “We really wanted […]

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USD student stays ‘Never Offended Always Humble’

Marcus Destin is a senior at USD studying Communications as well as minoring in Multicultural Studies. Recently, the 25 year old has made his own mark starting a new business and podcast. Destin is the Co-owner of the business Never Offended Always Humble (N.O.A.H) alongside his brother, Stefan. Destin said their business offers a variety […]

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Clarinet masterclass: Learning how to enjoy the music

The Music Department has been hosting Clarinet Day since 2016 where students are able to learn new things from teachers from across the country. However, due to COVID-19, the event has changed and will now be entirely online, spanning the course of a couple months.  Dr. Luis Viquez, the director of orchestras and assistant professor of clarinets at USD, is […]

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