Shifting dreams: coach, graphic designer, USD professor

When instructor Gary Larson came to USD in 1987, he didn’t come to teach sports marketing. At the start, Larson was head women’s basketball coach at Lakeland College in Wisconsin but said he was looking for something bigger and better, so he accepted a job as assistant women’s basketball coach and tennis coach at USD. […]

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USD offers additional COVID-19 testing

USD’s Sentinel Testing program is now allowing up to 100 volunteers per week to participate in COVID-19 testing in addition to randomly selected students, faculty and staff. The change to the program came in response to numerous requests for volunteer testing, according to an email sent to the student body. Anyone who is asymptomatic, has […]

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USD, Department of Health partner to monitor COVID-19 cases on campus

As of Oct. 20, the USD COVID-19 dashboard was reporting 41 active cases among students and faculty, with 174 individuals in quarantine or isolation. All statistics provided in the dashboard are self reported, and there are no requirements in place for USD students to report if they have contracted or been exposed to COVID-19. Kevin […]

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Survey shows approval for USD COVID-19 response

A USD survey of students who tested positive for COVID-19 or spent time in isolation or quarantine showed students have had a positive experience with the university’s response to the pandemic this semester. The survey, conducted between Sept. 14 and Sept. 28 by the USD COVID-19 Task Force, showed almost unanimous approval of the university’s […]

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‘Something special’ planned for Dakota Days

With no sporting events and all the safety guidelines that come with the pandemic, Dakota Days week is shifting to alternative means to celebrate USD homecoming. Doug Wagner, advisor to the Dakota Days executive committee, said the biggest difference this year is that large events have moved from the Muenster University Center to either Aalfs […]

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University Housing offers alternative on-campus living options

While the hallways of North Complex are usually full of students socializing, this semester, on-campus housing looks a little different. From campus-wide mask-wearing to isolation housing, there are many new rules and regulations in place to keep students in on-campus housing safe this semester. Unlike previous years, move-in weekend was spread over three days with […]

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Changes to scholarships, eligibility, revenue due to NCAA’s response to pandemic

The NCAA Division I council recommended, on Aug. 12, the Division I board of directors provides student-athletes affected by COVID-19 an extension of their five year period of eligibility. As well as, an additional season of competition if they participate in 50% or fewer competitions allowed in each sport. David Herbster, USD Athletics Director, has […]

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Honors programs sees changes for fall semester

USD is enforcing new changes with the safety and health of students in mind throughout campus, and the honors program has a new face to oversee those changes. Melissa Berninger is the interim director of the honors program following the departure of former director Scott Breuninger, who now resides in Virginia. The decision on who […]

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Lessons to learn from COVID-19

As the number of infections soar and deaths rise it’s clear the United States failed to keep its citizens safe.  While the end isn’t near and no one can say exactly when the pandemic will be over, we can start analyzing our responses and learn some key lessons. Arguably one of the biggest lessons is […]

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Local Thrift Shops Closed Indefinitely

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and new city regulations, local thrift stores are closed indefinitely. For the past three weeks, The Civic Council and New 2 You have been closed. The Civic Council is a second hand, non-profit store that gives profit directly back to the Vermillion community. They frequently donate to the Vermillion Food […]

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