Recent bill brings Internet privacy to forefront
A bill recently signed into law by President Trump allows Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to sell customers’ browsing data to advertisers. According to the New York Times, Verizon, Comcast and AT&T can continue tracking and sharing people’s browsing and app activity without permission. There’s been some pushback since the bill was announced, but QuocNam Tran, chair of […]
No more S.D. travel for San Francisco city employees
In response to the passage of SB 149 in Pierre, a law that extends legal protection to religious adoption agencies, the city of San Francisco has decided it will no longer do business in the state of South Dakota. South Dakota’s passage of this law brought it into the crosshairs of a 2016 San Francisco […]
USD community reacts to secretary of education nomination
Trump’s recent secretary of education pick, Betsy DeVos, has many educators, both future and present, sitting on the edge of their classroom chairs. One major concern is DeVos’s previous work experience and her support for charter schools as a member of the Michigan Republican Party. Donald Easton-Brooks, USD’s dean of education, said the new change in administration […]
USD students and faculty react to immigration ban
President Trump’s recent executive order barring travel and immigration from several Middle Eastern countries has caused concern and fear for many international students, and criticism from some faculty members. One critic of the new order is political science professor Tim Schorn, who gave a speech on the topic to the Vermillion Rotary Club on Jan. 31. “People […]
Students, faculty express concerns over possible Affordable Care Act repeal
With talk of the Affordable Care Act possibly being replaced by the current administration, conversation surrounding the future of U.S. healthcare is occurring more frequently within some health administration courses. The ACA, informally referred to as Obamacare, is the U.S. healthcare reform law that provides more readily available health insurance for Americans. Though there’s been talk since the passing of […]
USD’s first story circle held in CDC
Six people attended USD’s first story circle on Thursday night in the Center for Diversity & Community. A national movement by the U.S. Department of Arts and Culture, story circles around the country are being held to create a People’s State of the Union. Stories are collected, uploaded to a database and sent to poets, […]
Travel and immigration ban forum answers questions, concerns
The Center for Diversity and Community hosted a campus forum on President Trump’s latest executive order concerning immigration and a travel ban from several Middle Eastern countries on Thursday night. Seating was full in the MUC pit lounge, where about 150 students, faculty and community members came to have their questions answered. Lamont Sellers, associate vice president […]
Addiction studies students have a perfect pass rate
USD’s addiction studies program, the only nationally-accredited program of its kind in the state, has perfect passing rates. Over the last two years, students in the program have had a pass rate of 100 percent. Nationally, the pass rate for addiction studies is 82 percent, said Frank Zavadil, the department chair. Addiction studies focuses on understanding […]
USD students react to Trump administration
Donald Trump has been president for 13 days. In that time, he’s signed more than a dozen executive orders and memorandums. Some of those orders include a travel ban on several Middle Eastern countries, a green light on production of the Dakota Access Pipeline and the withdrawal of the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. […]
USD graduate named to administration post
The still-developing Trump administration now has the brains of a USD graduate among its personnel. Colonel Andrea Thompson, a 1988 graduate of USD, has been named national security advisor to vice-president Mike Pence. Thompson has been in the army for 28 years, becoming the highest-ranking intelligence officer in her division, the 101st Airborne Division of […]