‘A hobby that got out of hand’: Valiant Vineyard shares Vermillion history through wine

In 1993, Eldon and Sherry Nygaard moved to the farm Eldon Nygaard grew up on, near Viborg, South Dakota. The farm consists of mainly hay, soybeans and corn. However, two acres of their farm is dedicated to grapes.  The couple later decided they wanted to open a winery similar to Dundee Hills winery and vineyard, […]

5 mins read

Welcome Table offers curbside pickup

The Vermillion Welcome Table has opened their doors to anyone who may want a free, hot meal on Mondays for the last 20 years. Due to the importance of safety in the Vermillion community amidst COVID-19, they have had to adjust operations. The Welcome Table is a volunteer program that feeds the community of Vermillion. It […]

3 mins read

USD says farewell to the Sellers

This summer, USD will say goodbye to two influential figures on campus. For the last few years, Lamont Sellers and his wife, Mimi Sellers, have built relationships with students and faculty and helped share the importance of diversity at USD. Lamont Sellers has been the associate vice president for diversity for the last six years. […]

4 mins read

The Ruby Ball dresses up fundraising

Over 300 people enjoyed a lively evening filled with dancing, performances and companionships. The Union of African American Students (UAAS) hosted their Second Annual Ruby Ball in the Muenster University Center Ballroom on Saturday. Ashley Charlie, one of the emcees and event coordinator, said the Ruby Ball gives students an opportunity to dress up and […]

2 mins read

Finding their forever Valentines on campus

The transition from graduation gowns to wedding gowns can be a long one. The average age of marriage in 2020 is 29 years old, more than seven years after a traditional four-year graduation schedule. For two USD couples, their gap was shorter than average, but they took the leap and decided to tie the knot. […]

6 mins read

USD’s Anime Club to host annual Torii-Con, welcome all fans

Anime, otherwise known as Japanese animation full of colorful characters and fantastical themes, is popular among a handful of USD students. The USD Anime Club is a group of students who come together every Tuesday evening to explore the world of anime and Japanese culture. Anime fans not only enjoy watching their favorite shows but […]

4 mins read

Professor brews graphic design in the classroom and the taproom

Academics and alcohol may not always be the best brew, but in professor Mitch Torbert’s case, it is a match made in the taproom. Torbert is a professor of graphic design and is the graphic designer for the Sioux Falls native, Fernson Brewing Company.  After earning his bachelor’s degree in printmaking at South Dakota State […]

3 mins read

Art students honored at Stilwell Exhibition

From a Beyonce tribute to a giant painting of a blanket to an Aphrodite sculpture, ninety-five works of art crafted by USD students are featured in the 34th annual Stilwell Art Exhibition.  The annual art exhibition is meant to honor art students and their work. Students can submit up to five pieces made within the […]

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