Say No to Unsafe, Dishonest Abortion Petition

Last June, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. This decision allows each state full autonomy over the legality of abortion. Abortion has shown to be a controversial and motivating influence in past elections. Currently, signatures are being gathered to amend the state’s constitution to allow for nearly unregulated abortions during an entire pregnancy. This […]

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Editorial: Thanksgiving is the Best Holiday of the Year

Thanksgiving is almost here: pumpkin pie, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, what’s not to love? Thanksgiving is not only about eating copious amounts of food that would be considered seriously unhealthy on a regular basis, but is about spending time with family and friends. President Abraham Lincoln made Thanksgiving a national holiday in 1863. This may […]

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Why Using the Writing Center is Important

Writing serves as the foundation of communication and language. Writing fuels critical thinking, creative stories and clear conversations. It’s through writing one can better understand their critical and creative capacity.     Luckily, at USD, services to aid students in their critical and creative capacity exist on campus. Students can attend the Writing Center in an […]

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Editorial: Be an Informed Voter at the Polls

   Yesterday marked election day for some parts of the country. Virginia, Kentucky, Louisiana and Mississippi held statewide elections for governor, executive offices and the state legislature. Most other states held local municipal elections for races such, as school board and city council.     While we didn’t have any elections in Vermillion yesterday, the country […]

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Bring Back Student ID Admissions for Sporting Events

Last week, I attended the USD versus SDSU volleyball game in the Sanford Coyote Sports Center. Those who were also there knew it was an exciting game. One thing I couldn’t help but notice was the lack of students at the game. I’ve seen more people at Charcoal Lounge’s Drown.  At the beginning of the […]

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Cross Country: The Most Character-Building Sport

All athletic involvement has room to shape a person’s character, but cross country tops the list.  When I reflect on my years as a competitive runner, I see someone who’s learned the importance of dedication and patience. Its values have the power to follow me on and off the course, and that’s one of the […]

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