The importance of consumption: Lack of revenue causes the economy to plummet

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused substantial issues for people around the world.  As college classes are moving online, businesses are closing and people are staying home, the United States economy is taking a large hit.  Around 70% of the U.S. economy is made up of consumption, Travis Letellier, USD visiting economics instructor, said. Letellier explained consumption […]

3 mins read

Wellness Center cancels intramural sports, events due to coronavirus

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the lives of people around the world. It has caused people to be more socially aware of their potential exposure to the virus and their ability to practice cleanliness. Gyms across the nation have also been affected by the pandemic. According to Real Simple Health, gym equipment has more germs […]

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International Office services still available to USD students

USD is home to many international students. But with the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic, all means of international travel have been impacted.  For some international students, this situation presents challenges with living on-campus, returning to their home countries or continuing their education at USD. Patrick Morrison, associate director of the USD International Office, said all […]

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PAVE continues promoting remote resources for victims

Since the cancellation of all USD-hosted events until April 30, all student groups are coming to a close sooner than expected. For some clubs, they are creating new ways to help USD students remotely.  April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and USD’s Promoting Awareness Victim Empowerment (PAVE) canceled over ten events on campus this spring. […]

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COVID-19 won’t stop high school seniors

COVID-19 is decidedly the WORST addition to the class of 2020’s senior year of high school. Just to be clear I am aware there are horrendous things befalling the lives of many across the globe due to the coronavirus, however I would be amiss to suggest anyone’s reality had the power to fully invalidate someone […]

3 mins read

Art, interrupted

A plethora of DIY pages and positivity accounts have posted about being creative during the shock of coronavirus. New crafts, dances and entertainment opportunities are provided with every refresh of a social media page and through this pandemic, the world has been reminded of the necessity of artists. Art is in the music we listen […]

2 mins read

Letter from the editor: turn to trusted news sources in times of confusion

In times of confusion and uncertainty, I encourage you to turn to trusted news outlets — and I hope The Volante can serve as a reliable local news source.  While it’s easy to believe everything on Twitter or Facebook, that’s not always accurate news. Social media is an amazing place to get information, but it shouldn’t […]

2 mins read

‘I have not been coping with this very well’: Students prepare for online learning in hands-on majors

USD President Sheila Gestring announced on Tuesday that USD and all South Dakota public institutions will finish the spring semester online.  While universities across South Dakota and the nation make the switch to online learning, students in a variety of majors find themselves questioning how their studies would fit an online format.  “We know it […]

7 mins read

Coronavirus pandemic cuts study abroad programs short

When senior sociology major Brady VanLoan traveled to China at the beginning of the spring semester, getting sent home early was the last thing on his mind. After a month of studying in Shanghai and the rapid spreading of the coronavirus, VanLoan — along with many students — was required to return home immediately. VanLoan […]

4 mins read

‘We’re just going to keep pushing through’: How local businesses combat COVID-19

The risk of COVID-19 has impacted the number of customers at some Vermillion restaurants. But businesses are teaming up to power through the coronavirus with cleanliness and cooperation. Brickhouse general manager Josh Scherrer said the restaurant has started making their own hand sanitizer due to shortages. They’re also spending more time cleaning tables and chairs, […]

3 mins read