SGA Hosts Guest Speakers Scott Pohlson and Susan Hackemer
On Nov. 14, SGA held their 13th meeting of the year. SGA members heard from Scott Pohlson, the universities vice president for Enrollment and Marketing & Relations, along with Susan Hackemer, the assistant vice president for Career Services & Student Success, in regards to on-campus student career and success services. At this meeting, SGA members […]
SGA Host USD President Sheila Gestring
On Nov. 7, SGA held their 12th meeting of the year. SGA members heard from USD President Sheila Gestring in regard to the university’s future goals and possible upcoming projects, as well as unanimously passed three senate bills (SB) and two senate resolutions (SR) for further review. Gestring shared information regarding the possibilities of future […]
SGA Hosts USD Title IX and EEO Coordinator Jean Merkle
On Oct. 31, SGA held their 11th meeting of the year. SGA members heard from guest speaker Jean Merkle, who works as both USD’s Title IX and EEO Coordinator. Merkle gave information regarding her position on campus as well as the resolution process that occurs after a case of sexual assault takes place on campus. […]
SGA Hosts Sodexo Representatives in account for On-Campus Sustainability and Nutrition
On Oct. 24, SGA held their 10th meeting of the year. SGA members heard from Sodexo representatives, Anna Moore and Johanna Parker, regarding on-campus dining, nutrition and sustainability. At the meeting, association members unanimously approved three Senate Bills (SB) and one Senate Resolution (SR) for further revision. Moore and Parker explained to SGA senators what […]
SGA Approves Three Senate Bills and Three Senate Resolutions for Further Review, Including One Emergency Clause
On Oct. 17, SGA held their ninth meeting of the year. During the meeting SGA members heard from USD’s Coordinator of Student-Athlete Mental Health Tanner Peterson, unanimously passed 3 senate bills (SB) and 3 senate resolutions (SR) for further review, including the emergency clause for an unanimous approval of one resolution. Peterson gave SGA members […]
SGA Approves Two Senate Bills and One Senate Resolution for Further Review
On Oct. 10, SGA held their seventh meeting of the year. During the meeting, SGA members unanimously voted in favor of two old business Senate Bills (SB) to be further reviewed and revised over the course of the next four upcoming meetings. SGA members also voted in favor of one Senate Resolution (SR) to be […]
SGA Hosts USD Director of Student Engagement Avis Brown
On Oct. 3, SGA held their sixth meeting of the year. SGA heard from guest speaker Avis Brown, as well as collectively passed Senate Bill (SB) 91 for further review and revisions. Brown gave information regarding his position on campus as well as upcoming Dakota Days events. Brown explained to SGA members that he has […]
SGA Unanimously Passes Senate Bills 84 through 90
On Sept. 26, SGA held their sixth meeting of the year. During the meeting, SGA members unanimously voted to pass a total of seven “old business” Senate Bills (SB), as well as approved the further revision and discussion of a singular “new business” SB. The old business bills passed at this meeting included all bills […]
SGA Hosts USD Chief of Police Bryant Jackson
On Sept. 19, SGA held their fifth meeting of the year. SGA heard from guest speaker Bryant Jackson, the University Police Department Chief. Jackson spoke to SGA members on various subjects, including the new Everbridge mobile app, The Clery Act and timely warnings sent out for campus safety purposes. Jackson gave information regarding Everbridge, in […]
SGA holds second meeting of the semester
SGA held the second meeting of the semester at 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 12. After roll was taken, approving the agenda and the minutes from last week’s meeting, they kicked off the meeting with Vice President Elizabeth Brust approving the proxies. The meeting started with guest speaker, April Lee, assistant director of service learning and […]