International Office looks forward to fall semester

Every fall, along with a fresh class of first year-students, comes a new class of international students at USD. With the spring semester winding down, the preparation for the fall semester has begun, and, for the USD International Office, this means organizing paperwork, planning orientations and connecting with new international students who will be on […]

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USD says farewell to the Sellers

This summer, USD will say goodbye to two influential figures on campus. For the last few years, Lamont Sellers and his wife, Mimi Sellers, have built relationships with students and faculty and helped share the importance of diversity at USD. Lamont Sellers has been the associate vice president for diversity for the last six years. […]

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Sioux Falls Pride postpones 20th Pride Festival

Few cities in South Dakota have big celebrations for their LGBTQ+ communities, but this year, most are canceling their Pride due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Sioux Falls Pride, the largest pride organization in South Dakota, postponed their annual Pride due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The announcement comes along with numerous other businesses, events and social […]

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International Office services still available to USD students

USD is home to many international students. But with the rapidly evolving COVID-19 pandemic, all means of international travel have been impacted.  For some international students, this situation presents challenges with living on-campus, returning to their home countries or continuing their education at USD. Patrick Morrison, associate director of the USD International Office, said all […]

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Coronavirus pandemic cuts study abroad programs short

When senior sociology major Brady VanLoan traveled to China at the beginning of the spring semester, getting sent home early was the last thing on his mind. After a month of studying in Shanghai and the rapid spreading of the coronavirus, VanLoan — along with many students — was required to return home immediately. VanLoan […]

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Gaining perspective on a growing Spanish department

The Spanish department is the largest secondary language program offered at USD. As the demand for the education of Spanish grows, the department also grows, becoming more expansive and diverse.  Rob Turner has been the Interim Chair of the Spanish Department for the last year. Turner said the professors in the Spanish department come from […]

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United Church of Christ welcomes community through outreach

The words “all are welcome” are displayed in front of the United Church of Christ, encouraging all who pass to come into their space, but this message spans further than the physical bounds of the church.  The United Church of Christ (UCC) believes in welcoming all individuals to their congregation, no matter creed, class, color […]

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AASA, CDC ring in Asian Lunar New Year

The Asian American Student Association (AASA) and the Center for Diversity and Community (CDC) held its largest event of the semester Tuesday evening, celebrating the start of the Asian Lunar New Year. The event included food, performances by the Sioux Falls Chinese Association and a presentation about the Asian Lunar New Year. Naivetya Patle, president […]

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New album by USD student expresses internal challenges

For junior Marcus Destin, being his most authentic self is key to his studies and activities at USD, as well as his music. As a communications major, multicultural studies minor, president of the Coyote Crazies and Union of African American Students, Destin has a lot on his plate and his mind. Even with all those […]

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Black History Month Kickoff teaches with virtual technology

The word museum often evokes the thought of stone buildings, expensive artwork and “no touching” signs.  The Union of African American Students (UAAS) decided to modernize this concept by using QR codes to teach people around campus about famous African Americans from the past, present and future. The student organization unveiled the Past, Present & […]

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