Student Life
USD library expands digital resources in the age of streaming
I.D. Weeks Library contains rows of shelves filled with movies and music on VHS and CDs — formats students may no longer have the technology to play. To keep up with an increasingly digital world, the library has increased access to digital databases in recent years. Danielle Loftus, USD’s Fine Arts & Technology Librarian, said […]
Environmental Club and Sustainability Department see growth, aim for more involvement
A year after changing its name, the USD Environmental Club hopes to make sustainability inclusive and possible for all college students. Holly Black, president of the Environmental Club, said the organization was formerly known as SUST, or Students Understanding Sustainable Tactics, Club before it changed its name in the fall of 2019. “I think that […]
USD Esports opens new gaming arena
Two years ago, the Esports Club had five members. Now, the club has grown to around 120 members and has opened a new gaming arena in McKusick Hall. The arena has 24 PCs, two TVs and three game consoles. Derek Biersbach, president of the Esports Club, said the arena was built after Dean of Students […]
Get Out the Yote partners with USD Honors Program
As election season accelerates, student organizations on campus are finding ways to help students get involved and stay informed on the election. Get Out the Yote, a new initiative working under the political science league is developing partnerships with organizations on campus to help students register to vote. One of the partnerships is with the […]
Charlie’s Cupboard Officially Opens at USD
Charlie’s Cupboard — a free on-campus pantry providing food and personal hygiene products for all USD students — had their first official grab-and-go event on Thursday, Sept. 10. Over the course of the night, the foundation supplied over 120 students with free items such as bread, cereal, toothbrushes, soap and more. Charlie’s Cupboard, led by […]
Center for Disabilities hosts sign language class
The Center for Disabilities at USD is hosting a 10-week Functional Sign Language class for anyone interested in joining. The sign language class will start on Sept 15. The class will be based online and will meet once a week. Rose Moehring, Deaf-blind program director, said she encourages anyone who is interested to sign up. […]
‘Chalk the Walk’ commemorates 9/11, present day first-responders
The Gallagher Center hosted its first “Chalk the Walk” event at the Platz in downtown Vermillion to commemorate the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in 2001. In addition to honoring the first-responders on 9/11, event leader Kim Albracht said she wanted to call attention to Vermillion’s current efforts in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. People’s understanding […]
Campus Dining adapts to COVID-19
In order to stay proactive and limit the spread of COVID-19, Aramark has implemented changes in residential dining to protect staff and dining guests. In previous years, residential dining meals were expected to be eaten in the Muenster University Center, now due to seating limitations all food items in residential dining are available for takeout. […]
Newman, Luther centers continue to provide worship resources to students
Two religious organizations on campus — the St. Thomas More Newman Center and the Luther Center — have changed their practices to continue serving USD and Vermillion. The Newman Center elected to stay open during the pandemic, whereas the Luther Center closed its physical doors and is conducting worship activities remotely. Bob Jones, a priest […]
How a zoom meeting turned into a campus wide March to create community awareness
After discussing the idea of an awareness march on Aug. 27 the newly formed Cultural Wellness Coalition hosted the Justice for Black Lives March on Sept. 2. The March began outside the DakotaDome and ended behind Old Main, where several group leaders spoke about racial issues. The CWC formed immediately following the murder of George […]